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当前页面: JAVA 编程资料牛鼻论坛Java & J2SE 技术区→刚用PHP写了一个网站在线人数的程序,请大家进来指点下!


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第1楼 2008-06-18 06:15 何文文 写道:




CREATE TABLE tablename (
field type(max_length) DEFAULT 'default_value' (NOT) NULL
CREATE TABLE useronline (
timestamp int(15) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
ip varchar(40) NOT NULL,
file varchar(100) NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (timestamp),
KEY ip (ip),
KEY file (file)
$server = "localhost"; //你的服务器
$db_user = "root"; //你的mysql的用户名
$db_pass = "password"; //你的mysql的密码
$database = "users"; //表的名字设置统计的时间(多少秒内在线人数)
$timeoutseconds = 300;取当前时间。
$timestamp = time();上面的完整代码:
$server = "localhost"; //your server
$db_user = "root"; //your mysql database username
$db_pass = "password"; //your mysql database password if any
$database = "users"; //the db name
$timeoutseconds = 300;//timeoutseconds limit
//get the current time
$timestamp = time();
//calculate the lowest timestamp allowed
$timeout = $timestamp-$timeoutseconds;
mysql_connect('localhost', 'username', 'password');也允许使用变量形式。
mysql_connect($server, $db_user, $db_pass);如果mysql数据库没有密码的话可以使用下面代码连接
mysql_connect($server, $db_user);查询数据库的代码:
mysql_db_query('database', 'query');我们只要有访客就要增加一条记录。
$insert = mysql_db_query($database, "INSERT INTO useronline VALUES
if(!($insert)) {
print "Useronline Insert Failed > ";
$delete = mysql_db_query($database, "DELETE FROM useronline WHERE timestamp<$timeout");同样给出删除记录出错的处理。
if(!($delete)) {
print "Useronline Delete Failed > ";
$result = mysql_db_query($database, "SELECT DISTINCT ip FROM useronline WHERE file='".$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."' ");使用
$user = mysql_num_rows($result);最后关闭数据库。
if($user == 1) {
print("1 user online\n");
} else {
print("$user users online\n");
//Put your basic server info here
$server = "localhost"; //normally localhost
$db_user = "root"; //your MySQL database username
$db_pass = "password"; //your MySQL database password
$database = "users";
$timeoutseconds = 300; //it will delete all people which haven't refreshed(so probbably are
// offline or inactive) in $timieoutseconds time (so it actually checks the people that are active in the last
// $timeoutseconds seconds)
//this is where PHP gets the time
$timestamp = time();
//counts the timeout, all people which have been seen last online in earlier than this timestamp, will get removed
$timeout = $timestamp-$timeoutseconds;
//connect to database
mysql_connect($server, $db_user);
//add the timestamp from the user to the online list
$insert = mysql_db_query($database, "INSERT INTO useronline VALUES
if(!($insert)) {
print "Useronline Insert Failed > ";
//delete the peoples which haven't been online/active in the last $timeoutseconds seconds.
$delete = mysql_db_query($database, "DELETE FROM useronline WHERE timestamp<$timeout");
if(!($delete)) {
print "Useronline Delete Failed > ";
//select the amount of people online, all uniques, which are online on THIS page
$result = mysql_db_query($database, "SELECT DISTINCT ip FROM useronline WHERE file='".$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."' ");
if(!($result)) {
print "Useronline Select Error > ";
//Count the number of rows = the number of people online
$user = mysql_num_rows($result);
//spit out the results
if($user == 1) {
print("1 user online\n");
} else {
print("$user users online\n");


时代网,时代主机是行业内最早开始提供PHP 虚拟主机的公司之一,现在已经是的金牌域名注册商和中国互联网客户满意度十佳单位,产品功能已经非常完善 ,特别提一下几个特有用的功能:数据库自动备份、免费集成繁简通简装版、多域名绑定、多子网站支持、GCDN 网站加速器、镜像加速、高级访问统计系统、支持WAP、可选电信/网通/香港机房。
智强商务B型:Unix /Linux 操作系统+独立网页空间1000MB+送1000MB邮局空间+100MB MySQL数据库空间=1869元/年
标准商务B型:Unix /Linux 操作系统+独立网页空间500MB+送800MB邮局空间+60MB MySQL数据库空间=1365元/年
▲至尊专用C型主机+.CN: 现特价3957元/年 WindowsServer2003 操作系统 ,支持ASP.NET/ASP,3000MB独立空间体积,独立带宽,SQLSERVER
数据库 ,数据库空间不限大小; 数据库自动备份,1000MBVIP集团邮局 ,免费送繁简通商务版 GCDN 网站加速器, 支持WAP 多子网站镜像
加速 高级访问统计系统

空间专线: 0756-2623871 QQ:168075865,好象还有全球免费网络电话:全球免费咨询电话 http://www.now.cn/callcenter/call.net?LineName=55

第2楼 2013-08-31 12:44 Robot :

刚用PHP写了一个网站在线人数的程序,请大家进来指点下! 相关

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