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A basic image viewer

摘要: This article shows how to extend SWT Canvas to implement a mini image viewer plug-in using Java2Dtransforms. Theextended image canvas can be used to scroll and zoom large images, and can alsobe extended to apply other transforms. The implementation is based on SWT andthe non-UI portions of AWT. The plug-in has been tested on Windows, Linux GTK, and MacOS X Carbon with Eclipse 2.1 or better. By ChengdongLi (


Conventions & Terms

The following typographic conventions are used in this article:

Used for references to articles.

Courier New:
Used for code or variable names.

The following terms are used in this article:

client area
The drawable area of canvas. Also called the paint area or canvas domain.
source image
The image constructed directly from the original image data with the same width and height. Unlike image data, it is device dependent. It is the sourceImage in source code. Also called the original image or image domain.


The goal of this article is to show you how to implement an image viewer with scrolling and zooming operations using affine transforms. If you are new to graphics in SWT, please read Joe Winchester's article Taking a look at SWT Images. A screenshot of the image viewer is shown in Figure 1:

Figure 1 - Image viewer

The implementation here is different from the implementation of the Image Analyzer example that comes with Eclipse. This implementation uses affine transforms for scrolling and zooming.

The advantages of this implementation are :

In the following sections, we will first review the structure of the package and relationship of classes, then we will discuss how the image canvas works and how to implement a scrollable and zoom-able image canvas - SWTImageCanvas. We will use affine transforms to selectively render images and to generally simplify the implementation. After that, we will show briefly how to use the local toolbar to facilitate image manipulation.

For the detailed steps on how to implement a view, Dave Springgay's article: Creating an Eclipse View is the most helpful one.

You can compare this implementation with the Image Analyzer example by running both of them:

To compile and run the image viewer from source code, unzip the imageviewersrc.zip file (inside imageviewer.zip), then import the existing project into the workspace, update the class path, compile, and run.

Classes Overview

The following diagram (Figure 2) shows all classes in this demo plug-in. The SWTImageCanvas is a subclass of org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Canvas; it implements image loading, rendering, scrolling, and zooming. The ImageView class is a subclass of org.eclipse.ui.part.ViewPart; it has an SWTImageCanvas instance. The helper class SWT2Dutil holds utility functions. PushActionDelegate implements org.eclipse.ui.IViewActionDelegate; it delegates the toolbar button actions, and has an ImageView instance. The ImageViewerPlugin extends org.eclipse.ui.plugin.AbstractUIPlugin (this class is PDE-generated).

Figure 2 - Class diagram ( The classes without package prefix are implemented in our approach. )

A plug-in manifest file plugin.xml defines the runtime requirements and contributions (view and viewActions extensions) to Eclipse. Eclipse will create toolbar buttons for ImageView and delegate toolbar actions via PushActionDelegate.

Canvas implementation

SWTImageCanvas handles image loading, painting, scrolling, and zooming. It saves a copy of the original SWT image (the sourceImage) in memory, and then translates and scales the image using java.awt.geom.AffineTransform. The rendering and transformation are applied only to the portion of the image visible on the screen, allowing it to operate on images of any size with good performance. The AffineTransform gets applied changes as the user scrolls the window and pushes the toolbar buttons.

Loading images

First, let's have a look at how to load an image into memory. There are several ways to load an image:

In this simple implementation, we only allow the user to choose an image from the local file system. To improve this, you could contribute to the org.eclipse.ui.popupMenus of the Navigator view for image files; that way, whenever an image file is selected, the menu item will be available and the user can choose to load the image from the workspace (you need add nameFilters, and you may also need to use workspace API). To see how to load an image from a URL, please refer to the Image Analyzer of SWT examples.

The image loading process is as following (Figure 3):

Figure 3 - Image-loading diagram

Now let's take a look at the code for loading images.

SWT provides ImageLoader to load an image into memory. Image loading is done by using the Image(Display,String) constructor. To facilitate image loading, we provides a dialog to locate all image files supported by SWT ImageLoader.

public void onFileOpen(){ FileDialog fileChooser = new FileDialog(getShell(), SWT.OPEN); fileChooser.setText("Open image file"); fileChooser.setFilterPath(currentDir); fileChooser.setFilterExtensions( new String[] { "*.gif; *.jpg; *.png; *.ico; *.bmp" }); fileChooser.setFilterNames{ new String[] { "SWT image" + " (gif, jpeg, png, ico, bmp)" }); String filename = fileChooser.open(); if (filename != null){ loadImage(filename); currentDir = fileChooser.getFilterPath(); } } public Image loadImage(String filename) { if(sourceImage!=null && !sourceImage.isDisposed()){ sourceImage.dispose(); sourceImage=null; } sourceImage= new Image(getDisplay(),filename); showOriginal(); return sourceImage; }

We use currentDir in and to remember the directory for the file open dialog, so that the user can later open other files in the same directory.

The loadImage method (shown above) in disposes the old sourceImage and creates a new sourceImage, then it calls the showOriginal() to notify the canvas to paint new image. If loading fails, the canvas will clear the painting area and disable the scrollbar. Notice that we cannot see ImageLoader directly in the code above, however, when we call Image(Display, String) in , Eclipse will call ImageLoader.load() to load the image into memory. is used to show the image at its original size; we will discuss this in more detail later.

In fact, the above two functions could be merged into one method. The reason why we separate them is we may invoke them separately from other functions; for example, we may get the image file name from the database, then we can reload the image by only calling loadImage().

Extending org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Canvas

Now, let's see how to create a canvas to render the image and do some transformations.

The org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Canvas is suitable to be extended for rendering images. SWTImageCanvas extends it and adds scrollbars. This is done by setting the SWT.V_SCROLL and SWT.H_SCROLL style bits at the Canvas constructor:

public SWTImageCanvas(final Composite parent, int style) { super(parent,style|SWT.BORDER|SWT.V_SCROLL|SWT.H_SCROLL |SWT.NO_BACKGROUND); addControlListener(new ControlAdapter() { /* resize listener */ public void controlResized(ControlEvent event) { syncScrollBars(); } }); addPaintListener(new PaintListener() { /* paint listener */ public void paintControl(PaintEvent event) { paint(event.gc); } }); initScrollBars(); } private void initScrollBars() { ScrollBar horizontal = getHorizontalBar(); horizontal.setEnabled(false); horizontal.addSelectionListener(new SelectionAdapter() { public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent event) { scrollHorizontally((ScrollBar) event.widget); } }); ScrollBar vertical = getVerticalBar(); vertical.setEnabled(false); vertical.addSelectionListener(new SelectionAdapter() { public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent event) { scrollVertically((ScrollBar) event.widget); } }); }

In order to speed up the rendering process and reduce flicker, we set the style to SWT.NO_BACKGROUND in (and later we use double buffering to render) so that the background (client area) won't be cleared. The new image will be overlapped on the background. We need to fill the gaps between the new image and the background when the new image does not fully cover the background.

registers a resize listener to synchronize the size and position of the scrollbar thumb to the image zoom scale and translation; registers a paint listener (here it does paint(GC gc)) to render the image whenever the PaintEvent is fired; registers the SelectionListener for each scrollbar, the SelectionListener will notify SWTImageCanvas to scroll and zoom the image based on the current selection of scrollbars; another function of the SelectionListener is to enable or disable the scrollbar based on the image size and zoom scale.

Rendering images

Whenever the SWT PaintEvent is fired, the paint listener (paint(GC gc)) will be called to paint the damaged area. In this article, we simply paint the whole client area of the canvas (see Figure 4). Since we support scrolling and zooming, we need to figure out which part of the original image should be drawn to which part of the client area. The painting process is as following:

  1. Find a rectangle imageRect inside the source image (image domain); the image inside this rectangle will be drawn to the client area of canvas (canvas domain).
  2. Map the imageRect to the client area and get destRect.
  3. Draw the source image within imageRect to destRect (scaling it if the sizes are different).
  4. Fill the gaps (shown as blue and green bands in the picture below) if necessary.

Figure 4 - Rendering scenarios

1) and 2) can be done based on AffineTransform, which we will discuss next.

3) draws a part of the source image to the client area using GC's drawImage:
drawImage (Image image, int srcX, int srcY, int srcWidth, int srcHeight, int destX, int destY, int destWidth, int destHeight)

which copies a rectangular area from the source image into a destination rectangular area and automatically scale the image if the source rectangular area has a different size from the destination rectangular area.

If we draw the image directly on the screen, we need to calculate the gaps in 4) and fill them. Here we make use of double buffering, so the gaps will be filled automatically.

We use the following approach to render the image: We save only the source image. When the canvas needs to update the visible area, it copies the corresponding image area from the source image to the destination area on the canvas. This approach can offer a very large zoom scale and save the memory, since it does not need to save the whole big zoomed image. The drawing process is also speeded up. If the size of canvas is very huge, we could divide the canvas into several small grids, and render each grid using our approach; so this approach is to some extent scalable.

The Image Analyzer example that comes with Eclipse draws the whole zoomed image, and scrolls the zoomed image (which is saved by system) to the right place based on the scrollbar positions. This implementation works well for small images, or when the zoom scale is not large. However, for large-sized images and zoom scale greater than 1, the scrolling becomes very slow since it has to operate on a very large zoomed image. This can be shown in Image Analyzer.

Now let's look at the code used to find out the corresponding rectangles in the source image and the client area:

private void paint(GC gc) { 1 Rectangle clientRect = getClientArea(); /* canvas' painting area */ 2 if (sourceImage != null) { 3 Rectangle imageRect=SWT2Dutil.inverseTransformRect(transform, clientRect); 4 5 int gap = 2; /* find a better start point to render. */ 6 imageRect.x -= gap; imageRect.y -= gap; 7 imageRect.width += 2 * gap; imageRect.height += 2 * gap; 8 9 Rectangle imageBound=sourceImage.getBounds(); 10 imageRect = imageRect.intersection(imageBound); 11 Rectangle destRect = SWT2Dutil.transformRect(transform, imageRect); 12 13 if (screenImage != null){screenImage.dispose();} 14 screenImage = new Image( getDisplay(),clientRect.width, clientRect.height); 15 GC newGC = new GC(screenImage); 16 newGC.setClipping(clientRect); 17 newGC.drawImage( sourceImage, 18 imageRect.x, 19 imageRect.y, 20 imageRect.width, 21 imageRect.height, 22 destRect.x, 23 destRect.y, 24 destRect.width, 25 destRect.height); 26 newGC.dispose(); 27 28 gc.drawImage(screenImage, 0, 0); 29 } else { 30 gc.setClipping(clientRect); 31 gc.fillRectangle(clientRect); 32 initScrollBars(); 33 } }

Line 3 to line 10 are used to find a rectangle (imageRect) in the source image, the source image inside this rectangle will be drawn to the canvas. This is done by inverse transforming the canvas's client area to the image domain and intersecting it with the bounds of image. The imageRect of line 10 is the exact rectangle we need. Once we have got imageRect, we transform imageRect back to the canvas domain in line 11 and get a rectangle destRect inside the client area. The source image inside the imageRect will be drawn to the client area inside destRect.

After we get the imageRect of the source image and the corresponding destRect of the client area, we can draw just the part of image to be shown, and draw it in the right place. For convenience, here we use double buffering to ease the drawing process: we first create a screenImage and draw image to the screenImage, then copy the screenImage to the canvas.

Line 30 to line 32 are used to clear the canvas and reset the scrollbar whenever the source image is set to null.

Line 5 to line 7 are used to find a better point to start drawing the rectangular image, since the transform may compress or enlarge the size of each pixel. To make the scrolling and zooming smoothly, we always draw the image from the beginning of a pixel. This also guarantee that the image always fills the canvas if it is larger than the canvas.

The flowchart of rendering is as following (Figure 5):

Figure 5 - Rendering flowchart

In the code above, we use inverseTransformRect() in line 3 and transformRect() in line 11 for transforming rectangles between different domain. We will discuss them in detail in the next section.


When we say scrolling in this section, we mean scrolling the image, not the scrollbar thumb (which actually moves in the opposite direction).

Our primary goal is to develop a canvas with scrolling and zooming functions. To do that, we must solve the following problems:

Scrolling and zooming entails two transformations: translation and scaling (see Figure 6). Translation is used to change the horizontal and vertical position of the image; scrolling involves translating the image in the horizontal or vertical directions. Scaling is used to change the size of image; scale with a rate greater than 1 to zoom in; scale with a rate less than 1 to zoom out.

Figure 6 - Translation and scaling

SWTImageCanvas uses an AffineTransform to save the parameters of both the translation and the scaling. In this implementation, only translation and scaling are used. The basic idea of AffineTransform is to represent the transform as a matrix and then merge several transforms into one by matrix multiplication. For example, a scaling S followed by a translation T can be merged into a transform like: T*S. By merging first and then transforming, we can reduce times for transforming and speed up the process.

SWTImageCanvas has an AffineTransform instance transform:

private AffineTransform transform;

AffineTransform provides methods to access the translation and scaling parameters of an affine transform:

public double getTranslateX(); public double getTranslateY(); public double getScaleX(); public double getScaleY();

To change the AffineTransform, we can either reconstruct an AffineTransform by merging itself and another transform, or start from scratch. AffineTransform provides preConcatenate() and concatenate() methods, which can merge two AffineTransforms into one. Using these two methods, each time the user scrolls or zooms the image, we can create a new transform based on the changes (scrolling changes translation and zooming changes scaling) and the transform itself. The merge operation is matrix multiplication. Since 2D AffineTransform uses a 3x3 matrix, so the computation is very cheap.

For example, when the user scrolls the image by tx in the x direction and ty in the y direction:

newTransform = oldTransform.preconcatenate(AffineTransform.getTranslateInstance(tx,ty));

To construct a scaling or translation transform from scratch:

static AffineTransform getScaleInstance(sx, sy); static AffineTransform getTranslateInstance(tx,ty);

Once you have an AffineTransform, the transformation can be easily done. To transform a point:

public static Point transformPoint(AffineTransform af, Point pt) { Point2D src = new Point2D.Float(pt.x, pt.y); Point2D dest= af.transform(src, null); Point point=new Point((int)Math.floor(dest.getX()),(int)Math.floor(dest.getY())); return point; }

To get the inverse transform of a point:

static Point2D inverseTransform(Point2D ptSrc, Point2D ptDst);

Since we use only translation and scaling in our implementation, transforming a rectangle can be done by first transforming the top-left point, and then scaling the width and height. To do that, we need to convert an arbitrary rectangle to a rectangle with positive width and length. The following code shows how to transform an arbitrary rectangle using AffineTransform (the inverse transform is almost the same):

1 public static Rectangle transformRect(AffineTransform af, Rectangle src){ 2 Rectangle dest= new Rectangle(0,0,0,0); 3 src=absRect(src); 4 Point p1=new Point(src.x,src.y); 5 p1=transformPoint(af,p1); 6 dest.x=p1.x; dest.y=p1.y; 7 dest.width=(int)(src.width*af.getScaleX()); 8 dest.height=(int)(src.height*af.getScaleY()); 9 return dest; 10 }

The absRect() function in line 3 is used to convert an arbitrary rectangle to a rectangle with positive width and height.

For more detail about AffineTransform, you can read the Java API document from SUN website.

AffineTransform also supports shear and rotation. In this article, we only need translation and scaling. AffineTransform is widely used in the AWT's image packages, and it has no relation with UI event loop, so it can be used in SWT. (Even if AffineTransform were unavailable, we could easily replace or rewrite it since we only use the translation and scaling).

We have seen how we save the scrolling and scaling parameters in AffineTransform, and how we can change them. But how do they control the image rendering?

Figure 7 - Scrolling and zooming diagram

The basic idea is shown in Figure 7. When the user interacts with GUI (scrollbars and toolbar buttons), her/his action will be caught by Eclipse, Eclipse will invoke the listeners (for scrollbars) or delegates (for toolbar buttons) to change the parameters in the transform, then the canvas will update the status of scrollbars based on the transform, and finally it will notify itself to repaint the image. The painter will consider the updated transform when it repaints the image. For example, it will use transform to find out the corresponding rectangle in the source image to the visible area on the canvas, and copy the source image inside the rectangle to the canvas with scaling.

Let's take a look at some methods which use AffineTransform to translate and zoom images.

First let's see how to show an image at its original size:

public void showOriginal() { transform=new AffineTransform(); syncScrollBars(); }

Here we first change transform in (defaults to a scaling rate of 1, and no translation), and then call syncScrollBars() to update the scrollbar and repaint the canvas. It's that simple.

Now let's try another one - zooming. When we zoom the image, we will zoom it around the center of the client area (centered zooming). The procedure for centered zooming is:

  1. Find the center of client area: (x,y).
  2. Translate the image by (-x,-y), so that (x,y) is at the origin.
  3. Scale the image.
  4. Translate the image by (x,y).

The syncScrollBars() (see next section) guarantees that the image will be centered in the client area if it is smaller than the client area.

Steps 2-4 can be used to scale images around an arbitrary point (dx,dy). Since the same steps will be used by many other methods, we put them in the method centerZoom(dx,dy,scale,af):

public void centerZoom(double dx,double dy,double scale,AffineTransform af) { af.preConcatenate(AffineTransform.getTranslateInstance(-dx, -dy)); af.preConcatenate(AffineTransform.getScaleInstance(scale, scale)); af.preConcatenate(AffineTransform.getTranslateInstance(dx, dy)); transform=af; syncScrollBars(); }

Now the code for zoomIn is:

public void zoomIn() { if (sourceImage == null) return; Rectangle rect = getClientArea(); int w = rect.width, h = rect.height; /* zooming center */ double dx = ((double) w) / 2; double dy = ((double) h) / 2; centerZoom(dx, dy, ZOOMIN_RATE, transform); }

Here the (dx,dy) is the zooming center, ZOOMIN_RATE is a constant for incremental zooming in. centerZoom() will also call syncScrollBars() to update the scrollbar and repaint the canvas.

Scrollbar synchronization

Each time user zooms or scrolls the image, the scrollbars need to update themselves to synchronize with the state of image. This includes adjusting the position and the size of the thumbs, enabling or disabling the scrollbars, changing the range of the scrollbars, and finally notifying the canvas to repaint the client area. We use syncScrollBars() to do this:

public void syncScrollBars() { if (sourceImage == null){ redraw(); return; } AffineTransform af = transform; double sx = af.getScaleX(), sy = af.getScaleY(); double tx = af.getTranslateX(), ty = af.getTranslateY(); if (tx > 0) tx = 0; if (ty > 0) ty = 0; ScrollBar horizontal = getHorizontalBar(); horizontal.setIncrement((int)(getClientArea().width/100)); horizontal.setPageIncrement(getClientArea().width); Rectangle imageBound = swtImage.getBounds(); int cw = getClientArea().width, ch = getClientArea().height; if (imageBound.width * sx > cw) { /* image is wider than client area */ horizontal.setMaximum((int) (imageBound.width * sx)); horizontal.setEnabled(true); if (((int) - tx) > horizontal.getMaximum()-cw) { tx = -horizontal.getMaximum()+cw; } } else { /* image is narrower than client area */ horizontal.setEnabled(false); tx = (cw - imageBound.width * sx) / 2; } horizontal.setSelection((int) (-tx)); horizontal.setThumb((int)(getClientArea().width)); /* update vertical scrollbar, same as above. */ ScrollBar vertical = getVerticalBar(); .... /* update transform. */ af = AffineTransform.getScaleInstance(sx, sy); af.preConcatenate(AffineTransform.getTranslateInstance(tx, ty)); transform=af; redraw(); }

If there is no image, the paint listener will be notified to clear the client area in .

If there is an image to show, we correct the current translation to make sure it's legal (<=0). The point (tx,ty) in corresponds to the bottom-left corner of the zoomed image (see the right-hand image in Figure 4), so it's reasonable to make it no larger than zero (the bottom-left corner of the canvas client area is (0,0)) except if the zoomed image is smaller than the client area. In such a situation, we correct the transform in so that it will translate the image to the center of client area. We change the selection in and the thumb size in , so that the horizontal scrollbar will show the relative position to the whole image exactly. The other lines between and set the GUI parameters for the horizontal scrollbar, you can change them to control the scrolling increment. The process for the vertical scrollbar is exactly the same, so we don't show it here. Lines between and create a new transform based on the corrected translation and the scaling and update the old transform. Finally, line notifies the canvas to repaint itself.


Joe Winchester's Taking a look at SWT Images explains pixel manipulation in great detail. Here we will show how to rearrange the pixels to get a 900 counter-clockwise rotation. In order to demonstrate how other classes can interact with SWTImageCanvas, we put the implementation in the PushActionDelegate class. The basic steps for our rotation are:

The code in PushActionDelegate for rotation is:

ImageData src=imageCanvas.getImageData(); if(src==null) return; PaletteData srcPal=src.palette; PaletteData destPal; ImageData dest; /* construct a new ImageData */ if(srcPal.isDirect){ destPal=new PaletteData(srcPal.redMask,srcPal.greenMask,srcPal.blueMask); }else{ destPal=new PaletteData(srcPal.getRGBs()); } dest=new ImageData(src.height,src.width,src.depth,destPal); /* rotate by rearranging the pixels */ for(int i=0;i for(int j=0;jint pixel=src.getPixel(i,j); dest.setPixel(j,src.width-1-i,pixel); } } imageCanvas.setImageData(dest);

The code for setImageData() is:

public void setImageData(ImageData data) { if (sourceImage != null) sourceImage.dispose(); if(data!=null) sourceImage = new Image(getDisplay(), data); syncScrollBars(); }

Since we won't change the pixel value, we needn't care about the RGB of each pixel. However, we must reconstruct a new ImageData object with different dimension. This needs different PaletteData in and for different image formats. creates a new ImageData and sets the value of each pixel. setImageData() in will dispose the previous sourceImage and reconstruct sourceImage based on the new ImageData, then update the scrollbars and repaint the canvas. We put setImageData() inside SWTImageCanvas so it could be used by other methods in the future.

Plug-in Implementation

We have known how the image canvas works. Now, let's talk briefly about how to implement the plug-in.

Step 1. Create view plug-in

Follow the steps 1-3 in Creating an Eclipse View, we can create a plug-in with a single view. The plugin.xml is:

The ImageViewerPlugin and ImageView are as following:

public class ImageViewerPlugin extends AbstractUIPlugin { public ImageViewerPlugin(IPluginDescriptor descriptor) { super(descriptor); } } public class ImageView extends ViewPart { public SWTImageCanvas imageCanvas; public ImageView() {} public void createPartControl(Composite frame) { imageCanvas=new SWTImageCanvas(frame); } public void setFocus() { imageCanvas.setFocus(); } public void dispose() { imageCanvas.dispose(); super.dispose(); } }

declares an instance variable imageCanvas to point to an instance of SWTImageCanvas, so that other methods can use it. creates an SWTImageCanvas to show the image. When the view gets focus, it will set focus to imageCanvas in . The dispose method of SWTImageCanvas will be automatically called in whenever the view is disposed.

Step 2. Add viewActions extension

The image viewer view has five local toolbar buttons: . To take the advantage of Eclipse, we contribute to the org.eclipse.ui.viewActions extension point by adding the following lines to plugin.xml:


The delegate class PushActionDelegate in will process all the actions from the toolbar buttons. It is defined as following:

public class PushActionDelegate implements IViewActionDelegate { public ImageView view; public void init(IViewPart viewPart) { if(viewPart instanceof ImageView){ this.view=(ImageView)viewPart; } } public void run(IAction action) { String id=action.getId(); SWTImageCanvas imageCanvas=view.imageCanvas; if(id.equals("toolbar.open")){ imageCanvas.onFileOpen(); return; } .... if(id.equals("toolbar.zoomin")){ .... } } }

This class implements the IViewActionDelegate interface. It has a view instance in . It gets the view instance during the initialization period, and later in it uses the view instance to interact with the SWTImageCanvas.


We have shown the detail on how to implement a simple image viewer plug-in for Eclipse. The SWTImageCanvas supports scrolling and zooming functions by using AWT's AffineTransform. It supports unlimited zoom scale and smooth scrolling even for large images.

Compared with the implementation of Image Analyzer example, this implementation is both memory efficient and fast.

The SWTImageCanvas can be used as a base class for rendering, scrolling, and scaling image.

Shortcut keys are a must for usable image viewers. In the interest of space, we did not show this here; however, they can be easily added.


I appreciate the help I received from the Eclipse mailing list; the Eclipse team's help in reviewing the article; Pengtao Li's photo picture; and finally the support from RCH lab at the University of Kentucky.


Creating an Eclipse View. Dave Springgay, 2001
Taking a look at SWT Images. Joe Winchester, 2003
The Java Developer's Guide to ECLIPSE. Sherry Shavor, Jim D'Anjou, Scott Fairbrother, Dan Kehn, John Kellerman, Pat McCarthy. Addison-Wesley, 2003
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