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当前页面: 开发资料首页Eclipse 专题MyEclipse 5.0 M1 发布 支持Eclipse 3.2

MyEclipse 5.0 M1 发布 支持Eclipse 3.2

摘要: MyEclipse 5.0 M1 发布 支持Eclipse 3.2

MyEclipse 开发小组近日发布,MyEclipse 5.0 M1 新版本发布了。

该新版本中最显著的特征就是对Eclipse 3.2的支持。该新版本中发布了一些重要的提升的功能以及bug fixes,比如Matisse4MyEclipse for Eclipse 3.2 SDK,MyEclipse Web 2.0 浏览器和JavaScript 调试工具的Linux支持,等等。


All MyEclipse 4.x features ported to Eclipse 3.2 SDK and Web Tools Platform 1.5.
Matisse4MyEclipse for Eclipse 3.2 SDK (Windows only). Requires update site installation.
Backward compatibility for MyEclipse 4.x J2EE projects.
Linux support for MyEclipse Web 2.0 Browser and JavaScript Debugger.
Significant JSP Editor performance improvements.
Advanced and basic wizards for creation of HTML, JSP and XML document files.
New wizards to create and drop database tables, indexes and foreign key relationships. Wizards are accessible from the Database Browser and Database
Details View.
Database Entity-Relationship Diagram customization features including selection of tables during creation, drag-n-drop of tables and from the Database Explorer,
remove table from diagram, and access schema management wizards from context-menu actions.
Improved Database DDL and XML generation.
Improved Database Details view, especially table information.
Hibernate HQL Editor with query execution capabilities integrated with Database Explorer, includes synchronized SQL Translation View.
Hibernate Perspective and capabilities.
Upgrade to Spring Framework 1.2.7 libraries.
Use of customizable workspace capabilities, perspectives and activities to provide a cohesive organization of MyEclipse features.
All previously released features from MyEclipse 4.1.1

前一篇: 探索Eclipse的重构功能
后一篇: Sun开始支持Eclipse