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当前页面: 开发资料首页Eclipse 专题一边编程一边阅读Blog-Eclipse Rss Reader

一边编程一边阅读Blog-Eclipse Rss Reader

摘要: 一边编程一边阅读Blog-Eclipse Rss Reader

eclipse RSS Reader使用界面如下

什么是RSS<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

RSS是英文Rich Site Summary(丰富站点摘要)或者Really Simple Syndication(真正简单的整合)的首字母缩写,是一种用于共享新闻标题和其他Web内容的数据交换规范。




a. 没有广告或者图片来影响标题 或者文章概要的阅读。

b. RSS阅读器自动更新你定制的网 站内容,保持新闻的及时性。

c. 用户可以加入多个定制的RSS提 要,从多个来源搜集新闻整合 到单个数据流中。

在eclipse中使用RSS Reader

There are three ways to install this version of the eclipse RSS Reader:

  1. Download and execute the appropriate installer. This is the recommended installation method for new users. eclipse 2.1.x users should download install-com.pnehrer.rss_1.3.0.jar; WSAD users should download install-com.pnehrer.rss.wsad_1.3.0.jar. To run the installer, type java -jar <the downloaded jar>. In Windows, you can just execute the JAR file.
  2. Use your Update Manager to install the appropriate eclipse feature. This method is recommended for users who want to update a previous version of the eclipse RSS Reader. The update site URL is http://morphine.sourceforge.net/updates. Once connected, choose the appropriate feature for installation or update.
  3. Download the appropriate feature archive and unzip it into your eclipse directory. eclipse 2.1.x users should download com.pnehrer.rss_1.3.0.bin.dist.zip; WSAD uses should download com.pnehrer.rss.wsad_1.3.0.bin.dist.zip. Source archives for the two features are also available (com.pnehrer.rss_1.3.0.src.zip and com.pnehrer.rss.wsad_1.3.0.src.zip, respectively). In addition, developers who want to extend the eclipse RSS Reader may download com.pnehrer.rss.source_1.3.0.bin.dist.zip, which contains developer documentation and source code.

前一篇: Eclipse上书写的Actionscript 2插件
后一篇: link方式安装eclipse plugin