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当前页面: 开发资料首页Eclipse 专题eclipse SDK3.2 启动时出错

eclipse SDK3.2 启动时出错

摘要: eclipse SDK3.2 启动时出错

刚安装完eclipse SDK3.2时运行没有问题,好像是重新启动机器后就出现这种错误.如果重新安装又是可以的,求助.
Error notifying a preference change listener.Check the log for details.





CDT Downloads Page

One thing to note about the CDT is that, up to this point, we are very tied to specific versions of the Eclipse Platform release. So please be careful how you are matching these versions.

As a minimum, you need to install the Eclipse Platform Runtime before installing the CDT
CDT 3.1

CDT 3.1 runs on Eclipse 3.2. It can be installed from the Callisto Update Site or the CDT Update Site. The CDT Update Site is avalable by entering the following URL as the remote site in the Update Manager.

* http://download.eclipse.org/tools/cdt/releases/callisto

The CDT can also be downloaded in a single file form the following pages

* CDT 3.1.0 (June 30, 2006)

前一篇: could not get next sequence??
后一篇: 为什么无法通过ESLIPSE控制TOMCAT5.0的开关啊?