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Use Open Source Tools to develope J2EE

摘要: Use Open Source Tools to develope J2EE

With the developing of the Open Souce Community. There are many free tools can be used to develope J2EE application. I have tested some tools, and find a best equipment.
For Ide we can choice Eclipse. It has a good expansibility, you can develope some plugins through the tools. it support almost all the language,such as java,c. Now version 3.0.1 is available
For struts tools, we can choice Easy Struts. it is a open source tools. It has a visual editor. but it only support eclipse 2.0. struts studio is another choice, it is a commence tools, so if you will not pay for it ,you can only use the trial version three month. MyEclipse is a good choice too, It has a series J2EE tools, for example struts, ejb. but you must pay $99 to get it.
For JSP and EJB, you can choice lomboz. It is a famous JSP develope tools.

I choice Myeclipse 3.8.2 and lomboz 3.01 to develope J2ee
you can get Myeclipse and lomboz
you extract the lomboz plugin to eclipse plugins folder

前一篇: use eclipse develope J2ee
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