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当前页面: 开发资料首页J2EE 专题在查询页面中显示进度条,在数据load成功后隐去进度条


摘要: 本文提供了一个在页面中提交查询动作后,出现进度条,直到新的页面的数据全部load出来的Javascript代码.
<script language="javascript">
// 新的页面的数据全部load出来。
function onSubmit() {
var waitingInfo = document.getElementById(getNetuiTagName("waitingInfo"));
waitingInfo.style.display = ""; //show the ProgressBar
progress_update(); //begin the progressbar
//waiting for several seconds,you would delete in your case
location.href="progressbar.jsp"; //config your action page in here

// Build the netui_names table to map the tagId attributes
// to the real id written into the HTML
if (netui_names == null)
var netui_names = new Object();
// method which will return a real id for a tagId
function getNetuiTagName(id) {
return netui_names[id];

// method which will return a real id for a tagId,
// the tag parameter will be used to find the scopeId for
// containers that may scope their ids
function getNetuiTagName(id, tag) {
var scopeId = getScopeId(tag);
if (scopeId == "")
return netui_names[id];
return netui_names[scopeId + "__" + id];

// method which get a tag will find any scopeId that,
// was inserted by the containers
function getScopeId(tag) {
if (tag == null)
return "";
if (tag.getAttribute) {
if (tag.getAttribute('scopeId') != null)
return tag.getAttribute('scopeId');
if (tag.scopeId != null)
return tag.scopeId;
return getScopeId(tag.parentNode);

// Build the netui_names table to map the tagId attributes
// to the real id written into the HTML
if (netui_names == null)
var netui_names = new Object();

var progressEnd = 15; // set to number of progress 's.
var progressColor = 'green'; // set to progress bar color
var progressInterval = 200; // set to time between updates (milli-seconds)

var progressAt = progressEnd;
var progressTimer;
function progress_clear() {
for (var i = 1; i <= progressEnd; i++)
document.getElementById('progress'+i).style.backgroundColor = 'transparent';
progressAt = 0;
function progress_update() {
if (progressAt > progressEnd) progress_clear();
else document.getElementById('progress'+progressAt).style.backgroundColor = progressColor;
progressTimer = setTimeout('progress_update()',progressInterval);
function progress_stop() {

<input name="button" type="button" value="查询" onClick="javascript: return onSubmit();">

前一篇: J2EE clustering part 1
后一篇: Web开发中防止浏览器的刷新键引起系统操作重复提交