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当前页面: 开发资料首页J2ME 专题Develop j2me app with Eclipse

Develop j2me app with Eclipse

摘要: Develop j2me app with Eclipse

First Step, install the software environment.

首先,下载并安装jdk1.4以上版本;然后,下载eclipse3.0或以上版本,地址:http://www.eclipse.org/downloads/index.php ,eclipse解压即可运行,

How to install eclipse me:run eclipse , select menuàhelpàsoftware Updateàfind and install, in the pop dialog, select “Search for new features to install”, click “next”, click “new remote site” button, in the pop dialog, fill name with “eclipseme”, and fill URL with http://eclipseme.org/updates/ and select the item of eclipse me, like “figure 1”.


Figure 1

Click “next”, in the dialog, select newest version of eclipse me, and click “next”, select “I accept the terms in the license agreements”, click “next”, click “finish”, click “install”, OK, you have installed eclipse me successfully!

Second step, configures eclipse parameter

First, add j2me platform to eclipse, FileàWindowàPreferences, then select J2MEàPlatform components, in the dialog, right click “Wireless Toolkits” the pop menu “And wireless toolkits”, select and browse to your wtk directory, click “finish”. The result should like Figure 2

Figure 2

Then, set Obfuscation library, you can down the library from the website below and unzip it, http://proguard.sourceforge.net/downloads.html , set proguard like Figure 3. the preguard unzip directory is d:\eclipse\other\

Figure 3

Third Step, create project

First, Fileànewàproject, and select J2meàj2me Midlet suite, fill the project name, click “next”, select the platform your project needed, click “finish”. I like to set the project encoding to UTF-8, if you have the same foible as me, please right click project, select “properties”, in the pop dialog, select Info card, in Default encoding for text files radios, select “Other”àUTF-8. in this way, your source code can be copy to any platform without wrong view.

Then, set source directory, I’d like to put my source code in “src” directory, and resource file in “res” directory, so, I create folder “res” and “src”, please right click project, select “properties”, select “Java Build Path” and select “Source card” and add both folders, like below.

Figure 4

And, create all java files in directory “src”

Fourth step, build, package, deploy and run


前一篇: J2ME游戏源代码免费下载——国外Digiment公司商业化代码
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