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当前页面: 开发资料首页J2SE 专题为什么TEXT字段不能存取大于4K的数据


摘要: 为什么TEXT字段不能存取大于4K的数据
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  Q. Why can't I access more than 4K of data in a TEXT field in SQL Server?
  A. Probably because you haven't set the TEXTSIZE parameter. SET TEXTSIZE
  Specifies the size, in bytes, of text data to be returned with a SELECT statement. If you specify a TEXTSIZE of 0, the size is reset to the default (4K). Setting TEXTSIZE affects the global variable @@TEXTSIZE.
  The DB-Library variable DBTEXTLIMIT also limits the size of text data returned with a SELECT statement. If DBTEXTLIMIT is set to a smaller size than TEXTSIZE, only the amount specified by DBTEXTLIMIT is returned. For more information, see Microsoft SQL Server Programming DB-Library for C.
  DB-Library变量DBTEXTLIMIT也限制SELECT语句返回的文本大小,如果DBTEXTLIMIT比TEXTSIZE小,则按DBTEXTLIMIT的设置返回数据,更多的内容请看“Microsoft SQL Server Programming DB-Library for C”。

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