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当前页面: 开发资料首页J2SE 专题J2SE 5.0中增强的Looping

J2SE 5.0中增强的Looping

摘要: J2SE 5.0中增强的Looping


IBM developerWork on Enhance looping in Java 5.0 with for/in,

"The for/in loop -- often called either enhanced for or foreach is largely a convenience feature in Java 5.0. It doesn't really offer any new functionality, but certainly makes several routine coding tasks simpler."

English version is here; Chinese version is here;

It is written by Brett McLaughlin, who is the author for O'reilly's Java 1.5 Tiger: A Developer's Notebook 其实,CSDN上, 大胃的blog中就介绍过5.0中增强了的Looping功能。

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