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当前页面: 开发资料首页Java 专题一个日志操作类


摘要: 一个日志操作类

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下面是一个日志操作类Log,它支持两种运行日志记录的方式: 基于文件和基于控制台,另外定义了五个常量用来定义日志输出的级别,不同的级别用来指示消息的重要性,或者严重性.这使得应用程序能够选择接收的消息级别,级别越低,接收的消息越多。

public final static int LOG_LEVEL_DUMP = 1;//详细模式
public final static int LOG_LEVEL_TRACE = 2;//该模式输出程序流程信息
public final static int LOG_LEVEL_NORMAL= 3;//正常模式
public final static int LOG_LEVEL_ERROR = 4;//只输出真正的错误
public final static int LOG_LEVEL_NONE = 5;//不记录日志

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import java.io.*;

import java.util.*;


 * The log class is used to write out log

 * information.

 * @author Jeff Heaton

 * @version 1.2


public class Log {

  public final static int LOG_LEVEL_DUMP = 1;

  public final static int LOG_LEVEL_TRACE = 2;

  public final static int LOG_LEVEL_NORMAL= 3;

  public final static int LOG_LEVEL_ERROR = 4;

  public final static int LOG_LEVEL_NONE = 5;


   * 是否输出日志到控制台?


  protected static boolean log2console = true;


   * 是否输出日志到文件.


  protected static boolean log2file = false;


   * 日志文件的路径,默认为当前目录。


  protected static String path = "." +File.separator + "log.txt";

  protected static int level = LOG_LEVEL_NONE;//默认的日志级别

  private Log(){


  static public void setLevel(int l)


    if ( (l==LOG_LEVEL_TRACE) ||

         (l==LOG_LEVEL_NORMAL) ||

         (l==LOG_LEVEL_NONE) ||

         (l==LOG_LEVEL_DUMP) ||

         (l==LOG_LEVEL_ERROR) ) {

      level = l;

    } else {

      level = LOG_LEVEL_NORMAL;



  static public void setPath(String s)


    path = s;



  static public void setFile(boolean b)


    log2file = b;


  static public void setConsole(boolean b)


    log2console = b;



  static public int getLevel()


    return level;


  static public String getPath()


    return path;


  static public boolean getConsole()


    return log2console;


  static public boolean getFile()


    return log2file;



   * 将异常加入日志.


   * @param event  The text to describe this log event.

   * @param e      The exception.


  static public void logException(String event,Exception e)


    ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();

    PrintStream ps = new PrintStream(bos);



    log(LOG_LEVEL_ERROR,event + e + ":" + bos);

    try {


    } catch ( IOException f ) {




   * 实际在日志中记录一个事件.


   * @param level  The level of this event.

   * @param event  The text to be logged.


  synchronized static public void log(int level,String event)


    if ( level == LOG_LEVEL_NONE )


    //if ( level< Log.level )

     // return;

    Date dt = new Date();

    String log = "[" + dt.toString() + "] [";

    switch ( level ) {

    case LOG_LEVEL_TRACE:log+="TRACE";break;

    case LOG_LEVEL_NORMAL:log+="NORMAL";break;

    case LOG_LEVEL_ERROR:log+="ERROR";break;

    case LOG_LEVEL_NONE:log+="NONE?";break;

    case LOG_LEVEL_DUMP:log+="DUMP";break;


    log+="][" + Thread.currentThread().getName() + "] " + event;

    if ( log2console )

      System.out.println( log );

    if ( log2file ) {

      try {

        FileOutputStream fw = new FileOutputStream(path,true);

        PrintStream ps = new PrintStream(fw);




      } catch ( IOException e ) {




public static void main(String args[]){


Log.log(Log.LOG_LEVEL_NORMAL,"HTTP GET "+"http://www.java3z.com");//你可以在应用中这样调用
} } 运行结果:
C:\java>java Log
[Wed Nov 01 09:55:24 CST 2006] [NORMAL][main] HTTP GET http://www.java3z.com


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