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当前页面: 开发资料首页Java 专题水中倒影


摘要: 水中倒影

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import java.applet.*;

import java.net.URL;

import java.net.MalformedURLException;

import java.awt.*;

public class Lake extends Applet implements Runnable


Thread m_Lake = null;

private Graphics m_Graphics, m_WaveGraphics;

private Image m_Image, m_Overlay, m_WaveImage;

private int  m_nCurrImage;

private int  m_nImgWidth  = 0;

private int  m_nImgHeight = 0;

private int  m_nOvlWidth  = 0;

private int  m_nOvlHeight = 0;

private boolean  m_fAllLoaded = false, m_tAnimate = true;

private final int NUM_FRAMES = 12;

private String m_ImageName = "";

private String m_OverlayName = "";

private URL m_HRef;

private String m_Frame = "_self";

private final String PARAM_image = "image";

private final String PARAM_overlay = "overlay";

private final String PARAM_href = "href";

private final String PARAM_target = "target";

public Lake()


// TODO: Add constructor code here


public String getAppletInfo()


return "Name: Lake v3.0\r\n" +

       "Author: David Griffiths\r\n" +

       "Created with Microsoft Visual J++ Version 1.0";


public String[][] getParameterInfo()


String[][] info =


{ PARAM_image, "String", "JPG or GIF file to reflect" },

{ PARAM_overlay, "String", "JPG or GIF file to use as overlay" },

{ PARAM_href, "URL", "URL to link to" },

{ PARAM_target, "String", "Target frame" },


return info;


public void init()


String param;

                param = getParameter("image");

if (param != null)

m_ImageName = param;

param = getParameter(PARAM_overlay);

if (param != null)

m_OverlayName = param;

param = getParameter(PARAM_href);

if (param != null)



                    m_HRef = new URL(getDocumentBase(), param);


                catch (MalformedURLException e)


                    getAppletContext().showStatus("Bad URL: " + param);



param = getParameter(PARAM_target);

if (param != null)

m_Frame = param;


public void destroy()


// TODO: Place applet cleanup code here


private void displayImage(Graphics g)


if (!m_fAllLoaded)


if (m_WaveImage != null) {

                        g.drawImage (m_WaveImage, (-m_nCurrImage * m_nImgWidth), m_nImgHeight, this);

                        g.drawImage (m_WaveImage, ((NUM_FRAMES-m_nCurrImage) * m_nImgWidth),

                                m_nImgHeight, this);


g.drawImage (m_Image, 0, -1, this);


public void paint(Graphics g)


if (m_fAllLoaded)



g.drawString("Loading images...", 10, 20);

// TODO: Place additional applet Paint code here


public void start()


if (m_Lake == null)


m_Lake = new Thread(this);




public void stop()


if (m_Lake != null)



m_Lake = null;



public void run()


m_nCurrImage = 0;

        if (!m_fAllLoaded)



    m_Graphics = getGraphics();

    MediaTracker tracker = new MediaTracker(this);

    String strImage;

    m_Image = getImage(getDocumentBase(), m_ImageName);

            if (!"".equals(m_OverlayName))

    m_Overlay = getImage(getDocumentBase(), m_OverlayName);

            tracker.addImage(m_Image, 0);

            if (!"".equals(m_OverlayName))

tracker.addImage(m_Overlay, 1);




m_fAllLoaded = !tracker.isErrorAny();


catch (InterruptedException e) {}

if (!m_fAllLoaded)



    m_Graphics.drawString("Error loading images!", 10, 40);



    m_nImgWidth  = m_Image.getWidth(this);

    m_nImgHeight = m_Image.getHeight(this);

            if (!"".equals(m_OverlayName)) {

    m_nOvlWidth  = m_Overlay.getWidth(this);

    m_nOvlHeight = m_Overlay.getHeight(this);





while (true)



if (m_tAnimate)



if (++m_nCurrImage == NUM_FRAMES)

m_nCurrImage = 0;





                       } catch (InterruptedException e){





    public boolean mouseUp(Event event, int i, int j)


        boolean flag = super.mouseUp(event, i, j);

if (m_HRef == null)

m_tAnimate = !m_tAnimate; // Toggle m_tAnimate to start/stop animation.



showStatus("" + m_HRef);

getAppletContext().showDocument(m_HRef, m_Frame);


        return true;


    public void createAnimation ()


Image backImg = createImage (m_nImgWidth, m_nImgHeight + 1);

        Graphics backG = backImg.getGraphics();

        backG.drawImage (m_Image, 0, 1, this);

        for (int i = 0; i < (m_nImgHeight >> 1); i++)


            backG.copyArea (0, i, m_nImgWidth, 1, 0, m_nImgHeight - i);

            backG.copyArea (0, m_nImgHeight - 1 - i, m_nImgWidth, 1,

        0, -m_nImgHeight + 1 + (i << 1));

            backG.copyArea (0, m_nImgHeight, m_nImgWidth, 1, 0, -1 - i);


        m_WaveImage = createImage ((NUM_FRAMES + 1) * m_nImgWidth, m_nImgHeight);

        m_WaveGraphics = m_WaveImage.getGraphics();

        m_WaveGraphics.drawImage (backImg, NUM_FRAMES * m_nImgWidth, 0, this);

        for (int phase = 0; phase < NUM_FRAMES; phase++)

           makeWaves (m_WaveGraphics, phase);

backG.drawImage (m_Image, 0, 1, this);

if (!"".equals(m_OverlayName))

backG.drawImage (m_Overlay,

(m_nImgWidth - m_nOvlWidth) >> 1,

m_nImgHeight - (m_nOvlHeight >> 1), this);

m_Image = backImg;


public void makeWaves (Graphics g, int phase)


double p1;

int     dispx, dispy;

p1 = 2 * Math.PI * (double)phase / (double)NUM_FRAMES;

dispx = (NUM_FRAMES - phase) * m_nImgWidth;

for (int i = 0; i < m_nImgHeight; i++)


dispy = (int)((m_nImgHeight/14) * ((double) i + 28.0)

* Math.sin ((double)((m_nImgHeight/14)*(m_nImgHeight - i))

/(double)(i + 1)

+ p1)

/ (double) m_nImgHeight);

if (i < -dispy)

g.copyArea (NUM_FRAMES * m_nImgWidth, i, m_nImgWidth, 1,

-dispx, 0);


g.copyArea (NUM_FRAMES * m_nImgWidth, i + dispy,

m_nImgWidth, 1, -dispx, -dispy);


if (!"".equals(m_OverlayName))

g.drawImage (m_Overlay,

(phase * m_nImgWidth) + ((m_nImgWidth - m_nOvlWidth) >> 1),

-m_nOvlHeight >> 1, this);



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前一篇: 雪花漂漂
后一篇: 翻转图像