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当前页面: 开发资料首页Java 专题J2SE 5.0新特性之static import

J2SE 5.0新特性之static import

摘要: J2SE 5.0新特性之static import

</td> </tr> <tr> <td height="35" valign="top" class="ArticleTeitle"> 在J2SE 5.0版本中,java语言引入了很多新的特性,本文将主要介绍static import。static import主要解决的问题是方便开发人员创建和使用全局的常量以及静态的方法。要使用这一新的特性您应该首先从java.sun.com下载最新的j2sdk 5.0。

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在《effective java》中作者曾经谈到在接口中定义常量是很糟糕的一种使用方法,我们应该始终使用接口来定义类型。但是在实际开发工作中还是有很多人这样使用接口,他们这样做的原因是这样定义常量使用起来很方便。例如如下定义方式:

public interface BadIrrationalConstants {
public static final double SQRT_TWO = 1.414;
public static final double SQRT_THREE = 1.732;

public interface BadTranscendentalConstants {
public static final double PI = 3.14159;
public static final double E = 2.71828;

</td> <td width="265"> </td> </tr> </table>

public class BadUseOfConstants implements
BadTranscendentalConstants, BadIrrationalConstants {

public static double sinPiOverFour() {
return SQRT_TWO / 2;

public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println("Pi is approximately " + PI);
System.out.println("The sin of Pi/4 is about " +

package staticEx;

public class IrrationalConstants {
public static final double SQRT_TWO = 1.414;
public static final double SQRT_THREE = 1.732;
package staticEx;

public class TranscendentalConstants {
public static final double PI = 3.14159;
public static final double E = 2.71828;
现在J2SE 5.0提供了静态导入的功能,你只需要在import关键字后面写一个static关键字就可以直接使用类中定义的常量了,例如
import static staticEx.IrrationalConstants.SQRT_TWO;
import static staticEx.IrrationalConstants.SQRT_THREE;
import static staticEx.TranscendentalConstants.PI;
import static staticEx.IrrationalConstants.*;的格式

package staticEx;

import static staticEx.IrrationalConstants.SQRT_TWO;
import static staticEx.IrrationalConstants.SQRT_THREE;
import static staticEx.TranscendentalConstants.PI;

public class ConstantsWithStaticImport {

public static double sinPiOverFour() {
return SQRT_TWO / 2;

public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println("Pi is approximately " + PI);
System.out.println("The sin of Pi/4 is about " +
Pi is approximately 3.14159
The sin of Pi/4 is about 0.707

package staticEx;

public class IrrationalConstants2 {
public static final double SQRT_TWO = 1.414;
public static final double SQRT_THREE = 1.732;

public static double sinPiOverFour() {
return SQRT_TWO / 2;
package staticEx;

import static staticEx.IrrationalConstants2.*;
import static staticEx.TranscendentalConstants.*;

public class ConstantsWithStaticImport2 {

public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println("Pi is approximately " + PI);
System.out.println("The sin of Pi/4 is about " +

以上简单的介绍了如何使用static import,您可以参考一下连接获得更多的介绍:
http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.5.0/docs/guide/language/static-import.html</td> </tr> <tr>

前一篇: 谈谈 Java 中 this 的使用
后一篇: java1.5中访问环境变量