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摘要: 《克隆人的进攻》面向对象Java版

Java Q&A
Java 问答
Attack of the clones
之 面向对象Java版
Time and space considerations in four different approaches to
implementing deep clone() methods
权衡时间和空间的得失,有四种不同的方案来实现 deep clone() 方法。
By Vladimir Roubtsov
K ][ N G of A R K? 编译 [Revision 0.1]
January 24, 2003
Q:What are the advantages and disadvantages of implementing deep cloning
via Java serialization and a built-in Object.clone() method from a
performance point of view?
问:从性能的角度观之, 以 Java serialization(次第读写)或者内建的
Object.clone() 方法(method)来实现 deep cloning(深度克隆),各有哪些优
A:Equipping classes in your application with correct clone()
implementation is essential to many defensive programming patterns.
Common examples include defensive copying of method parameters, cloning
internal fields before returning them in getters, implementing
immutability patterns, implementing containers with deep cloning
semantics, and so on.
答:在您的应用程序中为各个类别搭载正确实现了的 clone() 方法,这对于许多防
隆;实现提供不可变功能的模式(immutability patterns);以 deep cloning(
深度克隆)语义实现 containers(容器);等等。
Even though the question mentions just two possibilities, there are at l
east four distinct approaches to clone() implementation. In this Java
Q&A installment, I consider design and performance tradeoffs involved in
all of them.
尽管问题中只提到了两个可能的方案,其实至少有四种不同的方案来实现 clone()
方法。在本期的Java 问答中,我就针对这四种方案来进行设计和性能两方面的权衡。
Because cloning is so customizable, this article's examples will not
necessarily translate directly to your own code; however, the general
conclusions we will reach should provide useful guidelines in any
application design.
Note the following disclaimer: What exactly constitutes a deep clone is
debatable. Even though two objects can safely share the same String
reference viewed as data, they cannot if the same field is used as an
instance-scoped object monitor (such as when calling Object.wait
()/notify() on it) or if field instance identity (such as when using the
== operator) is significant to the design. In the end, whether or not a
field is shareable depends on the class design. For simplicity, I assume
below that all fields are used as pure data.
请注意这面这句不作承诺的声明:deep clone(深度克隆)究竟有哪些具体的实现
要素,这个问题本身就具有争议性。尽管一个被视为数据的“String 引用”可以被
两个对象安全的共享,但如果该 String 字段是被用作实体生存空间范围内
(instance-scoped)的对象监视器(object monitor,比如对其调用
Object.wait()/notify() 的情形),或者字段实体的身份(identity)对于设计而
言至关重要(比如使用 == operator 的情形),那么它就无法被安全的共享了。一
Performance measurements setup
Let's jump right into some code. I use the following simple hierarchy of
classes as my cloning guinea pig:
public class TestBaseClass
implements Cloneable, Serializable {
public TestBaseClass (String dummy) {
m_byte = (byte) 1;
m_short = (short) 2;
m_long = 3L;
m_float = 4.0F;
m_double = 5.0;
m_char = '6';
m_boolean = true;
m_int = 16;
m_string = "some string in TestBaseClass";
m_ints = new int [m_int];
for (int i = 0; i < m_ints.length; ++ i) m_ints [i] = m_int;
m_strings = new String [m_int];
m_strings [0] = m_string; // invariant: m_strings [0] == m_string
for (int i = 1; i < m_strings.length; ++ i)
m_strings [i] = new String (m_string); }
public TestBaseClass (final TestBaseClass obj) {
if (obj == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException ("null input: obj");
// Copy all fields:
m_byte = obj.m_byte;
m_short = obj.m_short;
m_long = obj.m_long;
m_float = obj.m_float;
m_double = obj.m_double;
m_char = obj.m_char;
m_boolean = obj.m_boolean;
m_int = obj.m_int;
m_string = obj.m_string;
if (obj.m_ints != null) m_ints = (int []) obj.m_ints.clone ();
if (obj.m_strings != null) m_strings = (String [])
obj.m_strings.clone (); }
// Cloneable:
public Object clone () {
if (Main.OBJECT_CLONE) {
try {
// Chain shallow field work to Object.clone():
final TestBaseClass clone = (TestBaseClass) super.clone ();
// Set deep fields:
if (m_ints != null)
clone.m_ints = (int []) m_ints.clone ();
if (m_strings != null)
clone.m_strings = (String []) m_strings.clone ();
return clone; }
catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
throw new InternalError (e.toString ()); } }
return new TestBaseClass (this);
else if (Main.SERIALIZATION)
return SerializableClone.clone (this);
else if (Main.REFLECTION)
return ReflectiveClone.clone (this);
throw new RuntimeException ("select cloning method"); }
protected TestBaseClass () {} // accessible to subclasses only
private byte m_byte;
private short m_short;
private long m_long;
private float m_float;
private double m_double;
private char m_char;
private boolean m_boolean;
private int m_int;
private int [] m_ints;
private String m_string;
private String [] m_strings; // invariant: m_strings [0] == m_string
} // end of class
public final class TestClass extends TestBaseClass implements Cloneable, Serializable {
public TestClass (String dummy) {
super (dummy);
m_int = 4;
m_object1 = new TestBaseClass (dummy);
m_object2 = m_object1; // invariant: m_object1 == m_object2
m_objects = new Object [m_int];
for (int i = 0; i < m_objects.length; ++ i)
m_objects [i] = new TestBaseClass (dummy); }
public TestClass (final TestClass obj) {
// Chain to super copy constructor:
super (obj);
// Copy all fields declared by this class:
m_int = obj.m_int;
if (obj.m_object1 != null)
m_object1 = ((TestBaseClass) obj.m_object1).clone ();
m_object2 = m_object1; // preserve the invariant
if (obj.m_objects != null) {
m_objects = new Object [obj.m_objects.length];
for (int i = 0; i < m_objects.length; ++ i)
m_objects [i] = ((TestBaseClass) obj.m_objects [i]).clone (); } }
// Cloneable:
public Object clone () {
if (Main.OBJECT_CLONE) {
// Chain shallow field work to Object.clone():
final TestClass clone = (TestClass) super.clone ();
// Set only deep fields declared by this class:
if (m_object1 != null)
clone.m_object1 = ((TestBaseClass) m_object1).clone ();
clone.m_object2 = clone.m_object1; // preserve the invariant
if (m_objects != null) {
clone.m_objects = (Object []) m_objects.clone ();
for (int i = 0; i < m_objects.length; ++ i)
clone.m_objects [i] = ((TestBaseClass) m_objects
[i]).clone (); }
return clone; }
return new TestClass (this);
else if (Main.SERIALIZATION)
return SerializableClone.clone (this);
else if (Main.REFLECTION)
return ReflectiveClone.clone (this);
throw new RuntimeException ("select cloning method"); }
protected TestClass () {} // accessible to subclasses only
private int m_int;
private Object m_object1, m_object2; // invariant: m_object1 ==
private Object [] m_objects;
} // End of class
TestBaseClass has several fields of primitive types as well as a String
and a couple of array fields. TestClass both extends TestBaseClass and
aggregates several instances of it. This setup allows us to see how
inheritance, member object ownership, and data types can affect cloning
design and performance.
TestBaseClass 拥有几个基本型别(primitive types)的字段(fields),还有一
个 String 以及两个数组。 TestClass 继承自 TestBaseClass ,还聚合了几个
TestBaseClass 实体。这种范例设定可以让我们看到继承、成员对象所有权
In a previous Java Q&A article, I developed a simple timing library that
comes in handy now. This code in class Main measures the cost of
在 上一期 Java 问答 中,我开发了一个简单的计时程序库,现在可以信手拈来使
用。在 class Main 中的如下代码测量了 TestClass.clone() 的时间消耗:
// Create an ITimer:
final ITimer timer = TimerFactory.newTimer ();
// JIT/hotspot warmup:
// ...
TestClass obj = new TestClass ();
// Warm up clone(): // ...
final int repeats = 1000;
timer.start ();
// Note: the loop is unrolled 10 times
for (int i = 0; i < repeats / 10; ++ i) {
obj = (TestClass) obj.clone ();
... repeated 10 times ... }
timer.stop ();
final DecimalFormat format = new DecimalFormat ();
format.setMinimumFractionDigits (3);
format.setMaximumFractionDigits (3);
System.out.println ("method duration: " +
format.format (timer.getDuration () / repeats) + " ms");
I use the high-resolution timer supplied by TimerFactory with a loop that
creates a moderate number of cloned objects. The elapsed time reading is
reliable, and there is little interference from the garbage collector.
Note how the obj variable continuously updates to avoid memory caching
我使用了由 TimerFactory 提供的高解析度的计时器(high-resolution timer),
受垃圾收集器的影响很小。请注意 obj 变量被持续更新,以避免内存缓冲效应
(memory caching effects)。
Also note how clone() is implemented in both classes. The implementation
in each class is in fact four, selected one at a time using four
conditional compilation constants in Main: OBJECT_CLONE,
object when changing the cloning approach.
还请注意,在两个类别中都实现了 clone() 方法。实际上每个类别中都有四种克隆
动作的实现,可以通过 Main 里面的条件编译常量(conditional compilation
constants)来选择施行其中之一,这些常量分别是: OBJECT_CLONE,
Let's now examine each approach in detail.
Approach 1: Cloning by chaining to Object.clone()
方案 1:通过串链 Object.clone() 实现克隆
This is perhaps the most classical approach. The steps involved are:
Declare your class to implement the Cloneable marker interface.
令您的类别实现 Cloneable 标记接口(marker interface)。
Provide a public clone override that always begins with a call to
super.clone() followed by manual copying of all deep fields (i.e.,
mutable fields that are object references and cannot be shared between
several instances of the parent class).
提供一个覆写(override)版本的 public clone 方法,其内以调用 super.clone
() 开头,后面再接续拷贝所有深层字段(deep fields,即为对象引用,且不能共
享于多个父辈类别实体之间的可变字段(mutable fields))的代码。
Declare your clone override not to throw any exceptions, including
CloneNotSupportedException. To this effect, the clone() method in your
hierarchy's first class that subclasses a non-Cloneable class will catch
CloneNotSupportedException and wrap it into an InternalError.
声明该覆写(override)版本的 clone 方法不抛出任何异常,包括不能抛出
CloneNotSupportedException 异常。 意思就是说:在您的类别阶层体系中,对于
第一个派生自 non-Cloneable 类别的那个类别,其 clone() 方法能够捕获
CloneNotSupportedException 异常并将该异常包入 InternalError 中。
Correct implementation of Cloneable easily deserves a separate article.
Because my focus is on measuring performance, I will repeat the relevant
points here and direct readers to existing references for further details
(see Resources).
光是 Cloneable 的正确实现方法就可以很容易的需要占用另外一整篇文章的篇幅来
This traditional approach is particularly well suited to the presence of
inheritance because the chain of super.clone() eventually calls the
native java.lang.Object.clone() implementation. This is good for two
reasons. First, this native method has the magic ability to always create
an instance of the most derived class for the current object. That is,
the result of super.clone() in TestBaseClass is an instance of TestClass
when TestBaseClass.clone() is part of the chain of methods originating
from TestClass.clone(). This makes it easy to implement the desirable
x.clone().getClass() == x.getClass() invariant even in the presence of
这个经典型的方案特别适用于有继承体系的地方,因为 super.clone() 串链最终会
导致调用原生的 java.lang.Object.clone() 方法。说这样做很妥当有两个原因。
其一,该原生方法(native method)具有神奇的能力,总是能够为当前对象创建继
承体系最末端的类别实体。这就是说,TestBaseClass 中 super.clone() 的执行结
果得到 TestClass 实体,因为 TestBaseClass.clone() 是起源自
TestClass.clone() 的一系列串链起来的方法之一。这样一来,即使是在继承体系
之中也很容易实现我们想要的 x.clone().getClass() == x.getClass() 不变式
Second, if you examine the JVM sources, you will see that at the heart of
java.lang.Object.clone() is the memcpy C function, usually implemented in
very efficient assembly on a given platform; so I expect the method to
act as a fast "bit-blasting" shallow clone implementation, replicating
all shallow fields in one fell swoop. In many cases, the only remaining
manual coding is done to deeply clone object reference fields that point
to unshareable mutable objects.
其二,如果您查看JVM源代码的话,您会看到 java.lang.Object.clone() 的核心部
分是C函数 memcpy ,这个函数是用目标平台上非常高效的汇编代码实现的;因此可
以期望这个 java.lang.Object.clone() 方法的实现是以快速的“按比特狂做
(bit-blasting)”之方式进行的浅度克隆(shallow clone),能够迅捷的复制所
有浅层字段(shallow fields)。这样一来在许多情况下,所剩的唯一需要手工编
写的代码就只用负责对“指向非共享、可易变对象(unshareable mutable objects
Running the test with the OBJECT_CLONE variable set to true on a Windows
550-MHz machine with Sun Microsystems' JDK 1.4.1 produces:
将 OBJECT_CLONE 变量设为 true ,在一台安装了 Sun Microsystems JDK 1.4.1
的 Windows 550-MHz 机器上面运行测试程序就产生出如下结果:
clone implementation: Object.clone()
method duration: 0.033 ms
This is not bad for a class with multiple primitive and object reference
fields. But for better insight, I must compare the result with other
approaches below.
Despite its advantages, this approach is plagued with problems due to
poor java.lang.Object.clone() design. It cannot be used for cloning final
fields unless they can be copied shallowly. Creating smart, deeply
cloning container classes is complicated by the fact that Cloneable is
just a marker interface, and java.lang.Object.clone() is not public.
Finally, cloning inner classes does not work due to problems with outer
references. See articles by Mark Davis and Steve Ball in Resources for
some of the earliest discussions about this topic.
尽管该方案有自己的优势,但设计欠佳的 java.lang.Object.clone() 方法使其备
受折磨。除非 final 字段能被浅层拷贝,否则该方案就不能用于对 final 字段进
行克隆的情形。由于 Cloneable 只是一个标记接口(marker interface),而
java.lang.Object.clone() 方法又不是 public ,因此创建既聪明又具有 deeply
cloning(深度克隆)能力的 container classes(容器类别)变得复杂起来。最后
,由于外围引用(outer references)亦招致问题,因此该方案也无法运用于克隆
内隐类别(inner classes)的情形。关于此议题的最早的讨论,参见 参考资源 中
Mark Davis 和 Steve Ball 的文章。
Approach 2: Cloning via copy construction
方案 2: 通过拷贝构造动作进行克隆
This approach complements Approach 1. It involves these steps:
For every class X, provide a copy constructor with signature X(X x).
对于每个 class X ,以标记式(signature) X(X x) 来提供一个 copy
constructor 。
Chain to the base class's copy constructor in all but the first class in
your hierarchy. You can chain to clone() or directly to the base copy
constructor. The former choice is more polymorphic and works when the
base copy constructor is private, and the latter sometimes avoids the
small cost of casting clone()'s return value to a specific type.
将基类的拷贝构造函数(copy constructor)串链到类别阶层体系的所有类别中,
阶层体系最顶端的第一个类除外。您可以将其串链到这些类的 clone() 方法中,或
者直接串链到它们的基类的拷贝构造函数(copy constructor)中。前一种做法更
具多态特性,在基类的拷贝构造函数(copy constructor)为private时即可凑效;
后一种做法有时候能够避免“将 clone() 方法的返回值转型(cast)到某个特定型
Following the chaining call, set all class fields by copying them from
the input parameter. For every object reference field, you decide
individually whether to clone it deeply.
Setting COPY_CONSTRUCTOR to true and rerunning the test produces:
将 COPY_CONSTRUCTOR 设为 true ,再重新运行测试程序,产生如下结果:
clone implementation: copy construction
method duration: 0.024 ms
This beats Approach 1. The result might not be surprising because the
overhead of native method calls has increased and the cost of new object
creation has decreased with increasing JDK versions. If you rerun the
same tests in Sun's JDK 1.2.2, the situation favors Approach 1. Of
course, performance depends on the relative mix of shallow and deep
fields in the class hierarchy. Classes with many primitive type fields
benefit more from Approach 1. Classes with a few mostly immutable fields
work very efficiently with Approach 2, with a speed advantage at least 10
times greater than Approach 1.
法的调用,而创建新对象的消耗伴随着 JDK 版本的升高而减小。如果您在 Sun 公
司的 JDK 1.2.2 之下重新运行相同的测试,方案1就会胜出。当然,性能依赖于类
别阶层体系中浅层字段(shallow fields)和深层字段(deep fields)的混杂方式
Approach 2 is more error prone than Approach 1 because it is easy to
forget to override clone() and accidentally inherit a superclass's
version that will return an object of the wrong type. If you make the
same mistake in Approach 1, the result will be less disastrous.
Additionally, it is harder to maintain the implementation in Approach 2
when fields are added and removed (compare the OBJECT_CLONE branch in
TestBaseClass.clone() with similar code in the copy constructor). Also,
Approach 1 requires less class cooperation in some cases: for a base
class with only shallow fields, you don't need to implement Cloneable or
even provide a clone() override if you do not intend to clone at the base
class level.
方案2比方案1更容易出错,因为很容易忘记覆写(override) clone() 方法,并由
此意外的继承了父辈类别(superclass)的 clone() 版本,其返回一个错误型别的
段被添加或者删除时,方案2的实现代码更难于维护(将 TestBaseClass.clone()
中的 OBJECT_CLONE 分支与拷贝构造函数中的相应代码进行比较即可知)。再有就
您不需要实现 Cloneable 方法;如果您无意在基类的层级上进行克隆动作,您甚至
不需要提供覆写版本的 clone() 方法。
However, an undeniable advantage of cloning via copy construction is that
it can handle both final fields and inner classes. But due to dangers
present when inheritance is involved, I recommend using this sparingly
and preferably simultaneously with making the relevant classes final.
该方案既可以处理 final 字段,也可以处理内隐类别(inner classes)。鉴于该
时将有关的类别声明为final 。
Approach 3: Cloning via Java serialization
方案 3:通过 Java serialization(次第读写)进行克隆
Java serialization is convenient. Many classes are made serializable by
simply declaring them to implement java.io.Serializable. Thus, a whole
hierarchy of classes can be made cloneable by deriving them from a base
Serializable class whose clone() is implemented as a simple, yet
extremely generic method:
Java serialization(次第读写)方便好用。许多类别只要被简单的声明为“实现
java.io.Serializable” 就能具备 serializable 性质。于是,若令整个阶层体系
派生自基类 Serializable ,那么阶层体系的所有类别就都能具备 cloneable 性质
,欲使然只要求基类 Serializable 实现出一个简单,同时又极为通用的 clone() 方法:
public Object clone (Object obj) { try
ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream ();
ObjectOutputStream oout = new ObjectOutputStream (out);
oout.writeObject (obj);
ObjectInputStream in = new ObjectInputStream (
new ByteArrayInputStream (out.toByteArray ()));
return in.readObject (); }
catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException ("cannot clone class [" +
obj.getClass ().getName () + "] via serialization: " +
e.toString ()); } }
This is so generic it can be used for cloning classes that can be written
and added to your application by someone else long after you provide the
base classes. But this convenience comes at a price. After switching
TestBaseClass.clone() and TestClass.clone() to the SERIALIZATION branch I get:
代价。将 TestBaseClass.clone() 和 TestClass.clone() 之实现代码切换到
SERIALIZATION 分支的情况下,我得到如下的结果:
clone implementation: serialization
method duration: 2.724 ms
This is roughly 100 times slower than Approaches 1 and 2. You probably
would not want this option for defensive cloning of parameters of
otherwise fast intra-JVM methods. Even though this method can be used for
generic containers with deep cloning semantics, cloning a few hundred
objects would make you see times in the one-second range: a doubtful
这比方案1和方案2慢了有100倍左右。如果您是在为本该很快的 intra-JVM 之 方法
There are several reasons why this approach is so slow. Serialization
depends on reflective discovery of class metadata, known to be much
slower than normal method calls. Furthermore, because a temporary
input/output (I/0) stream is used to flatten the entire object, the
process involves UTF (Universal Transformation Format) 8-encoding and
writing out every character of, say, TestBaseClass.m_string. Compared to
that, Approaches 1 and 2 only copy String references; each copy step has
the same small fixed cost.
数据(metadata)的映像式探知动作(reflective discovery),已知它比普通的
函数调用慢得多。更为甚之,由于serialization(次第读写)使用一个临时的 输
UTF8 编码动作(UTF8-encoding,Universal Transformation Format)以及向外写
入被摊开的对象成分的每个字符(比如 TestBaseClass.m_string)。相比之下(再
以 TestBaseClass.m_string 为例),方案1和方案2只需要拷贝 String 引用,且
What's even worse, ObjectOutputStream and ObjectInputStream perform a lot
of unnecessary work. For example, writing out class metadata (class name,
field names, metadata checksum, etc.) that may need to be reconciled with
a different class version on the receiving end is pure overhead when you
serialize a class within the same ClassLoader namespace.
更糟糕的是,ObjectOutputStream 和 ObjectInputStream 做了诸多不必要的工作
个 ClassLoader 命名空间(namespace)里面次第读写(serialize)类别的情况下
On the plus side, serialization imposes fairly light constructor
requirements (the first non-Serializable superclass must have an
accessible no-arg constructor) and correctly handles final fields and
inner classes. This is because native code constructs the clone and
populates its fields without using any constructors (something that can't
be done in pure Java).
个 non-Serializable 基类必须拥有一个可访问的无参数构造函数),并能正确妥
One more interesting advantage of Approach 3 is that it can preserve the
structure of object graph rooted at the source object. Examine the dummy
TestBaseClass constructor. It fills the entire m_strings array with the
same m_string reference. Without any special effort on our part, the
invariant m_strings[0] == m_string is preserved in the cloned object. In
Approaches 1 and 2, the same effect is either purely incidental (such as
when immutable objects remain shared by reference) or requires explicit
coding (as with m_object1 and m_object2 in TestClass). The latter could
be hard to get right in general, especially when object identities are
established at runtime and not compile time (as is the case with
graph)”结构。来观察一下 dummy TestBaseClass 构造函数。该构造函数以相同
的 m_string 引用填充整个 m_strings 数组。在我们的代码中,不用借助任何特殊
动作就可以在克隆出来的对象内保持 m_strings[0] == m_string 不变式
不可变对象通过引用保持被共享),要么就需要额外的编码(如同 TestClass 中
m_object1 和 m_object2 的情形)。要把后一种情况做到正确无误通常是困难的,
特别是在对象的身份在运行期(而非编译期)才建立之情形下(如 TestClass 中的情形)。
Approach 4: Cloning via Java reflection
方案 4:通过 Java reflection(映像)进行克隆
Approach 4 draws inspiration from Approach 3. Anything that uses
reflection can work on a variety of classes in a generic way. If I
require the class in question to have a (not necessarily public) no-arg
constructor, I can easily create an empty instance using reflection. It
is especially efficient when the no-arg constructor doesn't do anything.
Then it is a straightforward matter to walk the class's inheritance chain
all the way to Object.class and set all (not just public) declared
instance fields for each superclass in the chain. For each field, I check
whether it contains a primitive value, an immutable object reference, or
an object reference that needs to be cloned recursively. The idea is
straightforward but getting it to work well requires handling a few
details. My full demo implementation is in class ReflectiveClone,
available as a separate download. Here is the pseudo-code of the full
implementation, with some details and all error handling omitted for
需要为 public),我用映像(reflection)简单的创建一个空白实体即可。在无参
是,我们可以直截了当的走遍类别的继承链,一路直至 Object.class ,并在其间
为继承链中每一个基类设置所有声明的实体字段(不仅只含 public 的字段)。我
作,我们需要处理几个细节。我撰写的完整范例实现在 ReflectiveClone 类别中,
被作为一个单独的 下载 供您查看。该完整实现的伪码如下,为了简单起见忽略了
public abstract class ReflectiveClone {
* Makes a reflection-based deep clone of 'obj'. This method is
* recursive with {@link #setFields}. *
* @param obj current source object being cloned
* @return obj's deep clone [never null; can be == to 'obj'] */
public static Object clone (final Object obj) {
final Class objClass = obj.getClass ();
final Object result;
if (objClass.isArray ()) {
final int arrayLength = Array.getLength (obj);
if (arrayLength == 0) // empty arrays are immutable
return obj;
else {
final Class componentType = objClass.getComponentType ();
// Even though arrays implicitly have a public clone(), it
// cannot be invoked reflectively, so need to do copy
result = Array.newInstance (componentType, arrayLength);
if (componentType.isPrimitive () ||
FINAL_IMMUTABLE_CLASSES.contains (componentType)) {
System.arraycopy (obj, 0, result, 0, arrayLength); }
else {
for (int i = 0; i < arrayLength; ++ i) {
// Recursively clone each array slot:
final Object slot = Array.get (obj, i);
if (slot != null) {
final Object slotClone = clone (slot);
Array.set (result, i, slotClone); } } }
return result; } }
else if (FINAL_IMMUTABLE_CLASSES.contains (objClass)) {
return obj; }
// Fall through to reflectively populating an instance created
// via a no-arg constructor:
// clone = objClass.newInstance () can't handle private
Constructor noarg = objClass.getDeclaredConstructor
if ((Modifier.PUBLIC & noarg.getModifiers ()) == 0) {
noarg.setAccessible (true); }
result = noarg.newInstance (EMPTY_OBJECT_ARRAY);
for (Class c = objClass; c != Object.class; c = c.getSuperclass ()) {
setFields (obj, result, c.getDeclaredFields ()); }
return result; }
* This method copies all declared 'fields' from 'src' to 'dest'. *
* @param src source object
* @param dest src's clone [not fully populated yet]
* @param fields fields to be populated */
private static void setFields (final Object src, final Object dest,
final Field [] fields) {
for (int f = 0, fieldsLength = fields.length; f < fieldsLength; ++ f) {
final Field field = fields [f];
final int modifiers = field.getModifiers ();
if ((Modifier.STATIC & modifiers) != 0) continue;
// Can also skip transient fields here if you want reflective
// cloning to be more like serialization.
if ((Modifier.FINAL & modifiers) != 0)
throw new RuntimeException ("cannot set final field" +
field.getName () + " of class " + src.getClass ().getName ());
if ((Modifier.PUBLIC & modifiers) == 0) field.setAccessible (true);
Object value = field.get (src);
if (value == null)
field.set (dest, null);
else {
final Class valueType = value.getClass ();
if (! valueType.isPrimitive () &&
! FINAL_IMMUTABLE_CLASSES.contains (valueType)) {
// Value is an object reference, and it could be
either an
// array or of some mutable type: try to clone it
// to be on the safe side.
value = clone (value); }
field.set (dest, value); } } }
private static final Set FINAL_IMMUTABLE_CLASSES; // Set in
private static final Object [] EMPTY_OBJECT_ARRAY = new Object [0];
private static final Class [] EMPTY_CLASS_ARRAY = new Class [0];
static {
// Add some common final/immutable classes:
FINAL_IMMUTABLE_CLASSES.add (Byte.class); ...
FINAL_IMMUTABLE_CLASSES.add (Boolean.class); }
} // End of class
Note the use of java.lang.reflect.AccessibleObject.setAccessible() to
gain access to nonpublic fields. Of course, this requires sufficient
security privileges.
请注意,使用了 java.lang.reflect.AccessibleObject.setAccessible() 来获得
对 non-public 字段的访问。当然,这也需要有足够安全级别的权限才能为之。
Since the introduction of JDK 1.3, setting final fields via reflection is
no longer possible (see Note 1 in Resources); so, this approach resembles
Approach 1 because it can't handle final fields. Note also that inner
classes cannot have no-arg constructors by definition (see Note 2 in
Resources), so this approach will not work for them either.
自从 JDK 1.3 以来,通过映像(reflection)设置 final 字段就不再被允许了。
(详见参考资源中的注释1);因此,本方案类似方案1,它无法处理 final 字段的
情形。还请注意,内隐类别(inner classes)不能在其定义中含有无参数构造含数
(详见 参考资源中的注释2),故本方案也无法处理内隐类别(inner classes)情形。
Coupled with the no-arg constructor requirement, this approach restricts
the type of classes it can handle. But you would be surprised how far it
can go. The full implementation adds a few useful features. While
traversing the object graph rooted at the source object, it keeps an
internal objMap parameter that maps values in source object graphs to
their respective clones in the cloned graphs. This restores the ability
to preserve object graphs that I had in Approach 3. Also, the metadataMap
parameter caches class metadata for all classes that it encounters while
cloning an object and improves performance by avoiding slow reflection.
The relevant data structures are scoped to a single call to clone(), and
the overall idea is very similar to Java serialization revamped to just
do object cloning. Similar to the previous section, a whole hierarchy of
suitable classes can be made cloneable by equipping the base class with
one generic method:
您也许会惊讶于其能够做到什么程度。完整的 实现 中增加了几个有用的功能。在
遍历根基于克隆源对象的对象图面(object graph)过程中,该实现会保留一个内
部的 objMap 参数,用来将克隆源对象之图面中的值对应到其克隆目标对象的图面
metadataMap 参数用来缓存(caches)克隆过程中遇到的所有类别之元数据
数据结构的生存空间被限定在单独的 clone() 调用之中,其总体想法非常类似于“
为了让其专做对象克隆而对 Java serialization(次第读写) 进行修补”。这里
阶层体系具有 cloneable 性质:
public Object clone () {
return ReflectiveClone.clone (this); }
What is this method's performance? Rerunning the test with the REFLECTION
branch selected produces:
这个方法的性能如何呢?以 REFLECTION 分支重新运行测试程序产生出如下结果:
clone implementation: reflection
method duration: 0.537 ms
This is roughly five times faster than straightforward serialization—not
too bad for another generic approach. In terms of its performance and
capabilities, it represents a compromise between the other three
solutions. It can work very well for JavaBean-like classes and other
types that usually do not have final fields.
从其性能和处理能力来考量,该方案代表了对另外三个解决方案的折衷. 对于
JavaBean 形式的类别以及其它通常没有 final 字段的型别,该方案非常凑效。
Resource considerations
Measuring memory overhead is more difficult than measuring performance.
It should be obvious that the first two approaches shine in this area, as
they instantiate only the data that will populate the cloned fields.
Cloning via serialization has an extra drawback that may have escaped
your attention above. Even though serializing an object preserves the
structure of the object graph rooted at that instance, immutable values
will get duplicated across disjoint calls to clone(). As an example, you
can verify for yourself that
尽管次第读写对象时能够保持根基于该实体的对象图面(object graph)结构,不
可变的值却会在对 clone() 方法的单个调用过程中被复制。作为例证,您可以自行验证:
TestClass obj = new TestClass ("dummy");
System.out.println (obj.m_string == ((TestClass) obj.clone
will print false for Approach 3 only. Thus, cloning via serialization
will have a tendency to pollute heap with redundant copies of immutable
objects like Strings. Approaches 1 and 2 are completely free from this
problem, and Approach 3 is mostly free from it.
其结果仅在采用方案3时列印出 false 。如此看来,通过次第读写(serialization
)进行克隆就具有倾向性,容易产生冗余的诸如 Strings 这样的不可变对象,从而
A quick and dirty proof of these observations can be seen by changing the
body of Main.main() to keep the clones in memory and track the object
count when a given heap size is reached:
有个蹩脚又便宜的办法来证实上面的发现,只要改变 Main.main() 函数体,令其在
int count = 0;
List list = new LinkedList ();
try {
while (true) {
list.add (obj.clone ());
++ count; } }
catch (Throwable t) {
System.out.println ("count = " + count); }
Run this in a JVM with a -Xmx8m setting and you will see something
similar to this:
若在 JVM 中以 -Xmx8m 设置来运行上述代码,您将看到类似如下的结果:
>java -Xmx8m Main
clone implementation: Object.clone()
count = 5978 Exception in thread "main" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError ...
clone implementation: copy construction
count = 5978 ...
clone implementation: serialization
count = 747 ...
clone implementation: reflection
count = 5952
Approach 3's overhead increases with the number of immutable fields in a
class. Removing this overhead is nontrivial.
方案3的负荷随着类别中不可变字段(immutable fields)数量的增加而增加。消除
The recap
The following table recaps the properties of all cloning approaches in
this article from several perspectives: speed, resource utilization,
class design constraints, object graph handling.
Speed High
Resource utilization Low
Class design constraints Does not work with deep final fields; does not
work with inner classes; must implement Cloneable; medium amount of
manual class maintenance
Object graphs Does not handle object graphs transparently
Copy construction
Speed High
Resource utilization Low
Class design constraints Superclasses and subclasses must cooperate; copy
constructor required; a lot of manual class maintenance
Object graphs Does not handle object graphs transparently
Speed Low
Resource utilization High; creates redundant immutable fields
Class design constraints Must implement Serializable; first non-
Serializable class needs an accessible no-arg constuctor
Object graphs Handles object graphs
Speed Medium
Resource utilization Medium
Class design constraints Does not work with final fields; does not work
with inner classes; each class must provide no-arg constructor
Object graphs Handles object graphs
速度 高
资源利用率 低
类别设计上的约束 不能应用于深层final字段的情形;不能应用于内隐类别(inner
class)的情形;必须实现 Cloneable 接口;类别的手动维护所需工作量适中。
对象图面 不能透明的掌控对象图面。
速度 高
资源利用率 低
类别设计上的约束 基类和子类必须相互协作配合;需要拷贝构造函数;类别的维护
对象图面 不能透明的掌控对象图面。
速度 低
资源利用率 高;创建冗余的不可变(immutable)字段
类别设计上的约束 必须实现 Serializable 接口;第一个 non-Serializable 类别
对象图面 掌控对象图面。
速度 适中
资源利用率 适中
类别设计上的约束 不能应用于final字段的情形;不能应用于内隐类别(inner
对象图面 掌控对象图面。
This article discussed implementing a single method, Object.clone(). It
is amazing that a single method can have so many implementation choices
and subtle points. I hope this article provided you with some food for
thought and useful guidelines for your application class design.
本文讨论了 Object.clone() 这单独一个方法的实现。令人惊异的是,一个方法竟
About the author
Vladimir Roubtsov has programmed in a variety of languages for more than
12 years, including Java since 1995. Currently, he develops enterprise
software as a senior developer for Trilogy in Austin, Texas.
Vladimir Roubtsov 具有超过十二年的多语言编程经验,掌握的语言包括从1995就
年开始使用的Java。目前他任职于德克萨斯州奥斯汀的 Trilogy 公司,作为高级开
Download the complete source code that accompanies this article:
The high-resolution library used for measurements in this article was
developed in another Java Q&A installment:
在本文用于测量时间的高解析度程序库是在另一期Java 问答中开发出来的。
For more on cloning see "Hashing and Cloning," Mark Davis (Java Report,
April 2000) pp. 60-66; "Effective Cloning," Steve Ball (Java Report,
January 2000) pp. 60-67; "Solutions for Implementing Dependable Clone
Methods," Steve Ball (Java Report, April 2000) pp. 68-82
欲了解更多关于克隆技术的内容,请参见 "Hashing and Cloning," Mark Davis
(Java Report, April 2000) pp. 60-66; "Effective Cloning," Steve Ball
(Java Report, January 2000) pp. 60-67; "Solutions for Implementing
Dependable Clone Methods," Steve Ball (Java Report, April 2000) pp. 68-82
Note 1: In Sun JDK 1.2 you could set even final fields using
reflection as long as you used setAccessible(), but this changed in later
Sun JDK versions.
注释 1:在 Sun JDK 1.2 中,只要您使用了 setAccessible() ,您甚至可以使用
reflection 机制来设置 final fields, 但是在后续的 Sun JDK 版本中,这个细节发生了变化。
Note 2: Syntactically an inner class may appear to have a no-arg
constructor. However, in bytecode every constructor of an inner class
takes at least one parameter that is a reference to the outer object.
Note that by inner classes, I specifically mean non-static nested
classes. Static nested classes do not have this problem.
注释 2:从语法的角度来说,内隐类别(inner class)可以拥有一个无参数的构造
函数。然而在最终的 bytecode 里,内隐类别的每一个构造函数至少具有一个参数
,即指向外层对象的一个引用(reference)。要注意,我这里谈及的 inner
classes 特别意指非静态的内嵌类别(non-static nested classes)。静态的内嵌
类别(static nested classes)没有上述问题。
Java 101's "Object-oriented language basics, Part 5" by Jeff Friesen
(JavaWorld, August 2001) contains a section about cloning:
Java 101's "Object-oriented language basics, Part 5" by Jeff Friesen
(JavaWorld, August 2001) 里面有一节关于克隆技术的内容:
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base class, 基类
cast/casting, 转型
chain/chaining, 串链
class, 类别
clone/cloning, 克隆
copy constructor, 拷贝构造函数
field, 字段
immutable, 不可变的
mutable, 可变的/易变的
override, 覆写
parameter, 参数
reflection, 映像
reflective discovery, 映像式探知
serialization, 次第读写
superclass, 父辈类别/超类
subclass, 子辈类别/子类
type, 型别
前一篇: 1个简单的jsp连接sqlserver数据库的小实例
后一篇: 《JAVA与模式》学习笔记之面向对象设计原则