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当前页面: 开发资料首页Javascript 专题JavaScript版幻灯片效果


摘要: JavaScript版幻灯片效果
<tr> <td>

method: adRotator.initialize(容器名id);
method: adRotator.add(图片地址[,文字项][,链接地址])
method: adRotator.play();


<textarea class=fm id=code rows=12 cols=78> HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"> <head> New Document </head> <body>

<input id="second">
<script LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> function adRotator() {}; adRotator.initialize=function(o) { // script by blueDestiny this._t = new Array(); this._l = new Array(); this._p = new Array(); this._i = new Image(); this._c = 0; this._f = false; this._o = o; this._timeout = null; this._html = ""; // configration. // @ image width // @ image height // @ rotator speed // @ filter type this._w = 450; this._h = 450; this._s = 4; this._x = 23; return this; }; adRotator.add=function(p,t,l) { with (this) { _p.push(p); _t.push(t); _l.push(l); }}; adRotator.load=function() { with (adRotator) { if( _i.readyState=='complete' ) { if(_p.length-1==_c) { _f = true; _c = 0; window.clearTimeout(_timeout); //getRef("AdRotator").innerHTML="complete"; adRotator.play(); } else { _c++; getRef(_o).innerHTML="total images " + _p.length + ", loading picture " + _c + ' ' + _i.readyState + "..."; _timeout=window.setTimeout(adRotator.load,10) } } else { getRef(_o).innerHTML="total images " + _p.length + ", loading picture " + _c + ' ' + _i.readyState + "..."; _timeout=window.setTimeout(adRotator.load,10) } }}; adRotator.play=function() { with (adRotator) { if( _f ) { _html = ""; _html += '<table style="border:1px solid #333333;"><tr><td style="font-size:9pt;font-family:tahoma;font-weight:bold;">' _html += '
' _html += ''; _html += ''; _html += (_t[_c]?('
' + (_c+1) + '. ' + _t[_c] + '
'):''); _html += ''; _html += "
"; _html += '
'; for(var i=0; i<_p.length; i++) _html += '' + (i>8?(i+1):('0'+(i+1)))+ ' '; _html += "
</td></tr></table>"; getRef(_o).innerHTML = _html; getRef("rotatorPic").filters[0].Apply(); getRef("rotatorPic").filters[0].Play(); next(); } else { _i.src = _p[_c]; adRotator.load(); } }}; adRotator.next=function() { with (this) { (_p.length-1==_c) ? _c=0 : _c++; _timeout=window.setTimeout(adRotator.play,_s*1000); }}; adRotator.select=function(i) { with (this) { window.clearTimeout(_timeout); _c=i; adRotator.play(); }}; adRotator.set=function(second) { with (this) { window.clearTimeout(_timeout); if((/\d+/).test(second)==true) { _s=second; adRotator.play(); } else { alert("must be digit!") adRotator.play(); } }}; function getRef(id) { return (document.all?document.all(id):document.getElementById(id)); } adRotator.initialize("AdRotator"); adRotator.add("http://www.webjx.com/img/200406301.jpg","网页教学网幻灯片特效代码","http://www.webjx.com") adRotator.add("http://www.webjx.com/img/200406302.jpg") adRotator.add("http://www.webjx.com/img/200406303.jpg") adRotator.add("http://www.webjx.com/img/200406304.jpg") adRotator.add("http://www.webjx.com/img/200406305.jpg") adRotator.play(); // </script> </body> </textarea>

<input style="CURSOR: hand" onfocus=this.blur() onclick="runEx('code')" type=button value=运行代码> <input style="WIDTH: 95px; CURSOR: hand" onfocus=this.blur() onclick=cycode(code) type=button value=复制到剪贴板 name=Submit> <input style="CURSOR: hand" onfocus=this.blur() onclick=svcode(code) type=button value=另存代码> [Ctrl+A 全部选择 提示:你可先修改部分代码,再按运行]

</td> </tr> </table>
前一篇: xWin之JS版
后一篇: 用javascript封装的导航菜单