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当前页面: 开发资料首页Javascript 专题实现textarea内字符串选择查询替换功能


摘要: 实现textarea内字符串选择查询替换功能
<tr> <td>


HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">

New Document
<script LANGUAGE="JavaScript">
var staus ;
var oRange;
var objTimer;
var objTimer1;
var objTimer2;
var sBookMark;

function fnSearch() {
oRange = fm1.txtarea1.createTextRange();

function searchtxt(n){
var v1;
var v2;
var txtr;
var blnS;


v1 = fm1.txtarea1.value;
v2 = fm1.txtarea2.value;
v3 = fm1.txtarea3.value;

if( n == 1) {
if (oRange != null) {
if (oRange.findText(v2) == true){
//sBookMark = oRange.getBookmark();
objTimer2 = window.setInterval("searchtxt(2)",1000);
objTimer = window.setInterval("searchtxt(3)",1000);
staus = 2 ;
else if(n==2) {
oRange.text = v3;
staus = 1;
objTimer1 = window.setInterval("searchtxt(1)",1000);
else if(n==3) {
staus = 3 ;
<form METHOD=POST name="fm1">
<textarea NAME="txtarea1" ROWS="20" COLS="50">
this is the original text, and this is the string will be repalced.
this is the original text, and this is the string will be repalced.
this is the original text, and this is the string will be repalced.
this is the original text, and this is the string will be repalced.
this is the original text, and this is the string will be repalced.
this is the original text, and this is the string will be repalced.
<textarea NAME="txtarea2" ROWS="20" COLS="50"> will be </textarea>
<textarea NAME="txtarea3" ROWS="20" COLS="50"> has been </textarea>
<input type="button" value="search" onclick="fnSearch()">



HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">

New Document
<script LANGUAGE="JavaScript">
var oRange; // save the current textrange
var intCount = 0; // this pos of current textrange in the total count
var intTotalCount = 0; // total count

var strBeReplaced;
var strReplace;

strBeReplaced = fm1.txtarea2.value;
strReplace = fm1.txtarea3.value;


oRange = fm1.txtarea1.createTextRange(); //Create a textRange for the Textarea

// Find the text by findtext method
for (i=1; oRange.findText(strBeReplaced)!=false; i++) {
oRange.select(); // select the finded text
oRange.scrollIntoView(); // scroll the page and set the text Into View
oRange.collapse(false); //

//function : fnSearch()
//comment : set the flag to the next textrange
//param : none
//return : none
//author : Fantiny
//Date : 10/21/2005
function fnNext(){

if (intCount > 0 && intCount < intTotalCount){
intCount = intCount + 1;
intCount = 1 ;

//function : init()
//comment : initialize at page onload to get the count
//param : none
//return : none
//author : Fantiny
//Date : 10/21/2005
function init(){

var oRange ;
var strBeRepalced;

oRange = fm1.txtarea1.createTextRange(); //Create a textRange for the Textarea
strBeReplaced = fm1.txtarea2.value;

for (i=0; oRange.findText(strBeReplaced)!=false; i++) {
oRange.collapse(false); // Moves the insertion point to the end of the text range.

intTotalCount = i ;


//function : fnReplace()
//comment : replace the text of the selected textrange
//param : none
//return : none
//author : Fantiny
//Date : 10/21/2005
function fnReplace(){

var strReplace;

strReplace = fm1.txtarea3.value;

// if the textrange is exist, replace the text
if(oRange!= null && typeof(oRange)=="object" && intTotalCount > 0){
oRange.text = strReplace;
intCount = intCount - 1;
intTotalCount = intTotalCount - 1;
oRange = null;
<body onload="init()">
<form METHOD=POST name="fm1">
<textarea NAME="txtarea1" ROWS="20" COLS="50">
this is the original text, and this is the string will be repalced.
this is the original text, and this is the string will be repalced.
this is the original text, and this is the string will be repalced.
this is the original text, and this is the string will be repalced.
this is the original text, and this is the string will be repalced.
this is the original text, and this is the string will be repalced.
<textarea NAME="txtarea2" ROWS="20" COLS="50"> will be </textarea>
<textarea NAME="txtarea3" ROWS="20" COLS="50"> has been </textarea>
<input type="button" value="search" onclick="fnSearch()">
<input type="button" value="Replace" onclick="fnReplace()">


</td> </tr> </table>
前一篇: 用javascript实现人工智能脚本
后一篇: 网页上的播放器相关参数说明