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当前页面: 开发资料首页Javascript 专题用Javascript写的一个映射表类


摘要: 映射表
<textarea readonly style="border:none;font-family:Courier New;line-height:150%;width:760px;overflow-y:visible">


function struct(key, value){

this.key = key;
this.value = value;


function setAt(key, value){

for (var i = 0; i < this.map.length; i++)
if ( this.map[i].key === key )
this.map[i].value = value;

this.map[this.map.length] = new struct(key, value);


function lookUp(key)
for (var i = 0; i < this.map.length; i++)
if ( this.map[i].key === key )
return this.map[i].value;

return null;

function removeKey(key)
var v;
for (var i = 0; i < this.map.length; i++)
v = this.map.pop();
if ( v.key === key )


function getCount(){
return this.map.length;

function isEmpty(){
return this.map.length <= 0;

function classMap() {

this.map = new Array();

this.lookUp = lookUp;
this.setAt = setAt;
this.removeKey = removeKey;
this.getCount = getCount;
this.isEmpty = isEmpty;

window.onload = function(){

var map = new classMap();

alert("is the map empty? " + map.isEmpty());

// string to array
map.setAt("sw1", new Array("sw1_1"));
map.setAt("sw2", new Array("sw2_1", "sw2_2"));
map.setAt("sw3", new Array("sw3_1", "sw3_2", "sw3_3"));
alert(map.lookUp("sw5")); // null
alert(map.lookUp("sw2")); // "sw2_1, sw2_2"

alert(map.getCount()); // 3

// number to string
map.setAt(1, "sw1");
map.setAt(2, "sw2");
alert(map.lookUp(2)); // "sw2"
map.setAt(2, new Array("sw2_1", "sw2_2"));
alert(map.lookUp(2)); // "sw2_1, sw2_2"

alert(map.getCount()); // 5

// string to number
map.setAt("1", 1);
map.setAt("2", 2);
alert(map.lookUp("1")); // 1
alert(map.lookUp(1)); // "sw1"
map.setAt("sw3", 33);
alert(map.lookUp("sw3")); // 33

alert(map.getCount()); // 7

// number to number
map.setAt(1, 11);
map.setAt(2, 22);
alert(map.lookUp(1)); // 11

alert(map.getCount()); // 7

alert(map.lookUp(1)); // null

alert(map.getCount()); // 6

// boolean to array
map.setAt(false, new Array("false", "true"));

alert(map.getCount()); // 7


前一篇: JavaScript通用库(二)
后一篇: 在C#中调用VBScript、JavaScript等脚本的实现