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当前页面: 开发资料首页Javascript 专题Javascript实现网页上的多级菜单


摘要: Javascript,菜单,多级菜单
<textarea readonly style="border:none;font-family:Courier New;line-height:150%;width:760px;overflow-y:visible">


email: detrox@163.net
qq: 2721826










   main = new MainMenu(10,50,"My Menu");



   function MenuItem(_parent,_caption, _url, _target,_style, _image,_templatePos,_description)


Item1 = new MenuItem(main,"detrox's Page","http://detrox.yeah.net"

   ,"_blank",null,"detrox.gif",false,"detrox's homepage    on programming");


   Item2 = new MenuItem(Item1,"detrox's Page","http://detrox.yeah.net"

   ,"_blank",null,"detrox.gif",false,"detrox's homepage    on programming");




_templatePos 用于和Dreamweaver结合制作网页时。当需要使用template机制,而_url又需要在网页中相对定位时。设置_templatePos为true并且需要在dreamweaver的template中加入定位标签:。例如:











  • .sMenuItem 为菜单项被选中时的样式
  • .nMenuItem 为菜单项未被选中时的菜单样式
  • .mnuTitle 为主菜单的标题样式
  • .nMenuBk 为菜单背景层样式


/* * Javascript Multi-Level Menu * * Author: detrox * Date : 2003 * * version: 0.9b * enviroment: Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5 or higher * * note: any copy of this file must include this part of message. * */ /* * Global variables here * * Do not change this part */ var menuId = 0; var menuItemId = 0; var currentLevel = 0; var levelStat = new Array(); var version = "MMENU;0.9;B;TROX"; var waitForHide; var waitingTime = 500; /* * Global variables for fShow */ var menu; var startOpacity = 20; var endOpacity = 100; var tFadeOut = false; var fadeStep = 30; var msX = 0,msY =0, mbX, mbY /* * User defined function to display a menu * */ var t; var idid; function mfShow(id) { eval(id).style.filter = "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Shadow(color='gray', Direction=135, Strength=2)"; } function fShow(id) { eval(id).style.filter = "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Shadow(color='gray', Direction=135, Strength=2)"; } /* * Create and insert a new element to the docuemnt * */ function createElem(tag,id,parentId) { if (parentId) { eval(parentId).document.open("text/html"); eval(parentId).document.write("<"+tag + " id=\""+ id + "\">"); eval(parentId).document.close(); } else { document.open("text/html"); document.write("<"+tag + " id=\""+ id + "\">"); document.close(); } return eval(id); } /* * check whether a tag is exist */ function ifObject(id) { var find = document.all.item(id); return (find)?true:false; } /* * check if mouse hot-point out of the rect * */ function ifPtOutRect() { if (window.event.x < rect.left || window.event.x > rect.right || window.event.y < rect.top || window.event.y > rect.bottom) true; else return false; } /* * hide the menus whose level bewteen startLevel and endLevel * */ function hideMenu(startLevel,endLevel) { for (i = startLevel; i <= endLevel; i++) { if (ifObject(("lyr" + i))) { eval("lyr" + i).style.visibility = "hidden"; levelStat[i] = "hidden"; } } } /* * Hide all submenu */ function hideAllSubMenu() { hideMenu(1, currentLevel); } /* * class MenuItem * * the constructor of the MenuItem class. * * Usage: object = new MenuItem(parentItem, caption, url, target, CSS_style, imageFilePath, templatePos, description) * * */ function MenuItem(_parent,_caption, _url, _target,_style, _image,_templatePos,_description) { /* define memeber variable*/ this.caption = _caption; this.description = _description; this.id = "mi" + menuItemId++; this.itemId = 0; this.parent = _parent; this.needSelected = false; this.level = this.parent.level + 1; this.relUrl = ""; if (currentLevel < this.level) currentLevel = this.level; if (_style == null) this.style = "color:#000000; text-decoration: none;" else this.style = _style; this.image = _image; this.popup = new Array(); if (_templatePos) {//templatePos is using for dreamweaver's template this.url = lnkDir.href + _url; this.relUrl = lnkDir.href; } else this.url = _url; this.target = _target; /*Add self to the parent's menutiem*/ if (this.parent) this.parent.popup[this.parent.popup.length++] = this; var object = this; this.onmouseover = function() { /* if (ifObject("lyr" + object.level)) if (eval("lyr" + object.level).style.visibility == "visible") if (ifObject(object.id)) return; */ clearTimeout(waitForHide); var i; for (i = 0; i < object.parent.popup.length; i++) { eval(object.parent.popup[i].id).className = "nMenuItem"; } this.className = "sMenuItem"; hideMenu(object.level, currentLevel); if (object.popup.length > 0) { var preHTML; preHTML = "<table width = \"100%\" border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\">"; // id=\""+ object.id +"\" >"; for (i = 0; i < object.popup.length; i++) { var item = object.popup[i]; var extra = ""; if (object.popup[i].popup.length > 0) { extra = ""; } if (item.caption == '-') { preHTML += "<tr><td>"; preHTML += "
"; preHTML += "</td></tr>"; } else { preHTML += "<tr><td nowrap>"; preHTML += extra + ""; preHTML += " " + item.caption; preHTML += " </td></tr>"; } } preHTML += "</table>"; var oDiv = null; if (ifObject("lyr" + object.level)) oDiv = eval("lyr" + object.level); if (oDiv == null) { _oDiv = document.createElement("div"); _oDiv.id = "lyr" + object.level; lyrBgnd.appendChild(_oDiv); object.createdDiv = true; oDiv = eval("lyr" + object.level); } oDiv.innerHTML = preHTML; /*junction the onmouseover & onmouseout function to the menuitems*/ for (i = 0; i < object.popup.length;i++) { var item; item = object.popup[i]; if (item.caption == '-') continue; eval(item.id).onmouseover = item.onmouseover; eval(item.id).onmouseout = item.onmouseout; } /*change style of mainMenu*/ oDiv.className = "nMenuBk"; var src = window.event.srcElement.offsetParent; var srcParent; with (oDiv.style) { zIndex = 1000 + object.level; position = "absolute"; top = parseInt(src.offsetTop) + 4 + "px"; left = parseInt(src.offsetLeft) + "px"; width = 0; srcParent = src.offsetParent; while (srcParent.tagName.toUpperCase() != "BODY") { left = parseInt(left) + parseInt(srcParent.offsetLeft) + "px"; top = parseInt(top) + parseInt(srcParent.offsetTop) + "px"; srcParent = srcParent.offsetParent; } var tempLeft; tempLeft = parseInt(left) + parseInt(eval("lyr" + (object.level - 1)).offsetWidth) - 4; if (parseInt(tempLeft) + parseInt(eval("lyr"+object.level).offsetWidth) > parseInt(document.body.offsetWidth)) tempLeft = parseInt(left) - parseInt(eval("lyr" + object.level).offsetWidth) + 8; left = tempLeft + "px"; if (typeof(fShow) == "function") fShow(oDiv.id); visibility = "visible"; } } // end of if (object.popup.length > 0) return } this.onmouseout = function() { waitForHide = setTimeout("hideAllSubMenu()",waitingTime); return; } return this; } /* * Class MainMenu * * comment: the constructor of the MainMenu class. * * Usage: object = new MainMenu(left,top,title); * * */ function MainMenu(x,y,title) { /*member variables*/ this.left = x; this.top = y; this.popup = new Array(); this.parent = null; this.id = "mn" + (menuId++); this.level = currentLevel++; this.refUrl = ""; /*member functions*/ object = this; this.show = function() { var preHTML; var i; / * draw main menu */ preHTML = "<table width = \"100%\" border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\">"; preHTML += "<tr><td>"+title+"</td><tr>"; for (i = 0; i < this.popup.length; i++) { var item = this.popup[i]; var extra = ""; if (object.popup[i].popup.length > 0) { extra = ""; } if (item.caption == '-') { preHTML += "<tr><td>"; preHTML += "
"; preHTML += "</td></tr>"; } else { preHTML += "<tr><td nowrap>"; preHTML += extra + ""; preHTML += " " + item.caption; preHTML += " </td></tr>"; } } preHTML += "</table>"; /*create background element*/ document.open("text/html"); document.writeln(""); document.close(); lyrBgnd.className = "nBgnd"; /* this way is bad cause it require a IE5.5 or higher explorer */ oDiv = document.createElement("div"); oDiv.id = "lyr" + this.level; lyrBgnd.appendChild(oDiv); oDiv.innerHTML = preHTML; /* still have problem by this way oDiv = createElem("div",("lyr" + this.level),null); oDiv.innerHTML = preHTML; */ /*junction the onmouseover & onmouseout function to the menuitems*/ for (i = 0; i < this.popup.length;i++) { var item; item = this.popup[i]; if (item.caption == '-') continue; eval(item.id).onmouseover = item.onmouseover; eval(item.id).onmouseout = item.onmouseout; } /*change style of mainMenu*/ oDiv.className = "nMenuBk"; with (oDiv.style) { zIndex = 1000; position = "absolute"; left = this.left; top = parseInt(this.top); width = 0; if (typeof(mfShow) == "function") mfShow(oDiv.id) visibility = "visible"; } return } } var stl = null; var img = ""; main = new MainMenu(180,100,"Javascript MultiMenu"); Item1 = new MenuItem(main,"C/C++ Programming","javascript:alert('C/C++ Programming Language');" ,"_self",null,"cpp.gif",false,"Tips"); Item11 = new MenuItem(Item1,"Language Standard","javascript:alert('Standard');" ,"_self",null,"a.gif",false,"Tips"); Item111 = new MenuItem(Item11,"Type","javascript:alert('Type');" ,"_self",null,"a.gif",false,"Tips"); Item1111 = new MenuItem(Item111,"int","javascript:alert('int');" ,"_self",null,"b.gif",false,"Tips"); Item11111 = new MenuItem(Item1111,"unsigned","javascript:alert('unsigned');" ,"_self",null,"c.gif",false,"Tips"); Item11112 = new MenuItem(Item1111,"signed","javascript:alert('signed');" ,"_self",null,"d.gif",false,"Tips"); Item1112 = new MenuItem(Item111,"long","javascript:alert('long');" ,"_self",null,"e.gif",false,"Tips"); Item112 = new MenuItem(Item11,"Class","javascript:alert('Class');" ,"_self",null,"f.gif",false,"Tips"); new MenuItem(Item11,"-","javascript:alert('function');" ,"_self",null,"g.gif",false,"Tips"); Item113 = new MenuItem(Item11,"function","javascript:alert('function');" ,"_self",null,"h.gif",false,"Tips"); Item12 = new MenuItem(Item1,"STL Library","javascript:alert('STL');" ,"_self",null,"jav.gif",false,"Tips"); Item13 = new MenuItem(Item1,"Boost Library","javascript:alert('Boost');" ,"_self",null,"h.gif",false,"Tips"); Item131 = new MenuItem(Item13,"lexcial_cast","javascript:alert('Lexical_cast');" ,"_self",null,"jav.gif",false,"Tips"); Item1311 = new MenuItem(Item131,"movment","javascript:alert('movment');" ,"_self",null,"a.gif",false,"Tips"); Item1312 = new MenuItem(Item131,"usage","javascript:alert('usage');" ,"_self",null,"b.gif",false,"Tips"); Item1313 = new MenuItem(Item131,"source","javascript:alert('source code');" ,"_self",null,"c.gif",false,"Tips"); Item13131 = new MenuItem(Item1313,"download here","javascript:alert('here');" ,"_self",null,"cpp.gif",false,"Tips"); Item13132 = new MenuItem(Item1313,"download there","javascript:alert('there');" ,"_self",null,"d.gif",false,"Tips"); Item132 = new MenuItem(Item13,"format","javascript:alert('fromat');" ,"_self",null,"e.gif",false,"Tips"); Item14 = new MenuItem(Item1,"C++ on OOP","javascript:alert('OOP');" ,"_self",null,"f.gif",false,"Tips"); new MenuItem(main,"-","javascript:alert('C/C++ Programming Language');" ,"_self",null,"cpp.gif",false,"Tips"); Item2 = new MenuItem(main,"Assembly Programming","javascript:alert('Windows 32bit Assembly');" ,"_self",null,"asm.gif",false,"Tips"); Item21 = new MenuItem(Item2,"Hutch's MASM32","javascript:alert('A good stuff');" ,"_self",null,"masm.gif",false,"Tips"); Item21 = new MenuItem(Item2,"Luo's Tutor","javascript:alert('a good tutor, very good');" ,"_self",null,"luo.gif",false,"Tips"); Item3 = new MenuItem(main,"Javascript Programming","javascript:alert('Javascript on HTML');" ,"_self",null,"jav.gif",false,"Tips"); main.show();
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