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JDK 6.0 Source Snapshot Releases

摘要: JDK 6.0 Source Snapshot Releases
<table width="100%" height="92%" border="0" cellpadding="6" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td height="623" align="left" valign="top" class="content"> JDK 5.0 刚刚发布, 6.0 马上接踵而来, 抢先体验:

JDK 6.0 Source Snapshot Releases

Please note: Some browsers may require you to right-click/CTRL-click to save these files to your computer.

If you have questions about building the source please post them in our Building J2SE forum. You can also view the latest summary of changes in Mustang and download the JDK 6.0 Binary Snapshot Releases.

JDK 6.0 Source under the JRL license


JDK 6.0 Readme and Build Instructions

JDK Binaries for Source Build 6.0


Mozilla Binaries for Source Build 6.0 (Unix)


Mozilla Binaries for Source Build 6.0 (Windows)

 </td> </tr> </table></td> </tr> </table>
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