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Securing a Web Application in NetBeans IDE 5.5

摘要: This document takes you through the basics of adding security to a web application that is deployed to either the Tomcat server or the Sun Java System Application Server

This document shows you how to configure security authentication using a basic login window and also using a login form in a web page. This document takes you through the steps for creating users on the Tomcat server and Sun Java System Application Server. After creating the users, you then create the security roles by setting the security properties in the deployment descriptor. This document also shows how you can use JDBC authentication to secure your application when deploying to the Sun Java System Application Server.

Software Needed

Before you begin, you need to install the following software on your computer:

  • NetBeans IDE 5.5 (development build) (download).
  • Java Standard Development Kit (JDK) version 5.0 (download).
  • (optional) Sun Java System Application Server 9.0 (download).

Notations Used in the Tutorial

<NETBEANS_HOME> - NetBeans IDE installation directory
<APPSERVER_HOME> - Sun Java System Application Server installation directory
<TOMCAT_HOME> - Tomcat installation directory
<PROJECT_HOME> - directory containing your project

Securing a Web Application in NetBeans IDE 5.5

In this document you will go through the following steps:

Installing and Configuring the Working Environment

Install and start NetBeans IDE 5.5. You can do this tutorial using the bundled Tomcat server or using the Sun Java System Application Server 9.0, Platform Edition.

If you are using the Sun Java System Application Server, make sure the server is installed and a server instance is registered with the IDE. You can use the Server Manager to register the server instance. (Choose Tools > Server Manager > Add Server. Select "Sun Java System Application Server" > and click Next. Click Browse and locate the installation directory of the application server. Click Finish.)

Creating the Web Application

In this excercise you first create the web application project and the directory structure. You then create some simple html files in each of the secure directories. The web application uses a basic login authentication for accessing the secure directories. If you want to use a login form for authentication, you can add a jsp page with the form.

Creating the Secure Directories

  1. Choose File > New Project (Ctrl-Shift-N), select Web Application from the Web category, and click Next.
  2. Name the project WebApplicationSecurity, choose the server you want to use and click Finish.
  3. In the Projects window of the IDE, right-click Web Pages and choose New > Folder.
  4. In the New Folder wizard, name the folder secureAdmin and click Finish.
  5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 to create another folder named secureUser.
  6. Create a new html file in the secureUser folder by right-clicking the folder secureUser in the Projects window and choosing New > HTML.
  7. Name the new file pageU and click Finish. When you click Finish, the file pageU.html opens in the Source Editor.
  8. In the Source Editor, add the following content to pageU.html.
          <title>User secure area</title>
          <h1>User Secure Area</h1>
  9. Right-click the secureAdmin folder and create a new html file named pageA.
  10. In the Source Editor, add the following to pageA.html
          <title>Admin secure area</title>
          <h1>Admin secure area</h1>

Creating the JSP Index Page

You now create the JSP index page containing links to the secure areas. When the user clicks on the link they are prompted for the username and password. If you use a basic login, they are prompted by the default browser login window. If you use a login form page, the user enters the username and password in a form.

  1. Open index.jsp in the Source Editor and add the following links to pageA.html and pageU.html:
    <p>Request a secure Admin page <a href="secureAdmin/pageA.html">here!</a></p>
    <p>Request a secure User page <a href="secureUser/pageU.html" >here!</a></p>
  2. Save your changes.

Creating a Login Form (optional)

If you want to use a login form instead of the basic login, you can create a jsp page containing the form. You then specify the login and error pages when configuring the login method.

  1. In the Projects window, right-click the folder Web Pages and choose New > JSP.
  2. Name the file login, leave the other fields at their default value and click Finish.
  3. In the Source Editor, add the following code to login.jsp and then save and close the file.
    <%@taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jstl/core" prefix="c" %>
              <form action="j_security_check" method="POST">
                  Username:<input type="text" name="j_username"><br>
                  Password:<input type="password" name="j_password">
                  <input type="submit" value="Login">
  4. Create a new html file named loginError.html in the Web Pages folder. This is a simple error page.
  5. In the Source Editor, add the following simple error message content to loginError.html.
            <title>Login Test: Error logging in</title>
            <h1>Error Logging In</h1>

Creating Users and Roles on the Target Server

To be able to use user/password authentication (basic login or form-based login) security in web applications, the users and their appropriate roles have to be defined for the target server. To log in to a server, the user account has to exist on that server.

How you define the users and roles varies according to the target server you specified. In this tutorial the users admin and tomcat are used to test the security setup. You need to confirm that these users exist on the respective servers, and that the appropriate roles are assigned to the users.

Defining Roles on the Sun Java System Application Server

The Sun Java System Application Server has one pre-defined user named admin. For this scenario you first need to use the Admin Console of the Sun Java System Application Server to create a new user named user. You then need to map the user to a role by modifying sun-web.xml. sun-web.xml is located in the Configuration Files directory of your project.

  1. Open the Admin Console by right-clicking the node for the Sun Java System Application Server in the Runtime window of the IDE. The login page for the Sun Java System Application Server opens in your browser window. You need to log in using the admin username and password to access the Admin Console.
  2. In the Admin Console, navigate to Configuration > Security > Realms and create a user named user in the file realm. For details on how to create a user on the Sun Java System Application Server, see Managing Users and Groups on the Application Server.

Defining Roles on the Tomcat Web Server

The Tomcat server bundled with the IDE already has some pre-defined users and roles.

The basic users and roles for the Tomcat server are defined in tomcat-users.xml. You can find tomcat-users.xml in your <USER_DIR>\apache-tomcat-5.5.17_base\conf directory. Your tomcat-users.xml file should like similar to this:

    <role rolename="tomcat"/>
    <role rolename="role1"/>
    <role rolename="manager"/>
    <role rolename="admin"/>
    <user username="ide" password="(generated password)" roles="manager,admin"/>
    <user username="tomcat" password="tomcat" roles="tomcat"/>
    <user username="role1" password="tomcat" roles="role1"/>
    <user username="both" password="tomcat" roles="tomcat,role1"/>

Note: The password for the user ide is generated when Tomcat is installed. You can change the password for the user ide, or copy the password in tomcat-users.xml.

Configuring the Login Method

When configuring the login method for your application, you can use the login window provided by your browser for basic login authentication. Alternatively, you can create a web page with a login form. Both types of login configuration are based on user/password authentication.

You configure the login method for the application by configuring web.xml. The web.xml file can be found in the Configuration Files directory of the Projects window.

Basic Login

When you use the basic login configuration, the login window is provided by the browser. A valid username and password is needed to access the secure content.

The following steps show how to configure a basic login for the Sun Java System Application Server.

  1. In the Projects window, double-click web.xml located in the Configuration Files directory to open the file in the Visual Editor.
  2. Click Security in the toolbar to open the file in Security view.
  3. Expand the Login Configuration node and set the Login Configuration to Basic.
  4. Enter file as the Realm Name. This corresponds to the realm name where you created the users on the Sun Java System Application Server.
  5. Expand the Security Roles node and click Add to add a role name.
  6. Add the following Security Roles:
    • Admin. Users added to this role will have access to the secureAdmin directory of the server.
    • User. Users added to this role will have access to the secureUser directory of the server.
  7. Create and configure a security constraint named AdminConstraint by doing the following:
    1. Click Add Security Constraint to create a new security constraint.
    2. Enter AdminConstraint for the Display Name of the new security constraint.
    3. Click Add to add a Web Resource Collection.
    4. In the Add Web Resource dialog box, set the Resource Name to Admin and the URL Pattern to /secureAdmin/* and click OK.
    5. Select Enable Authentication Constraint and click Edit to edit the Role Name field.
    6. In the Edit Role Names dialog box, select Admin in the left pane, click Add and then click OK.
  8. Create and configure a security constraint named UserConstraint by doing the following:
    1. Click Add Security Constraint to create a new security constraint.
    2. Enter UserConstraint for the Display Name of the new security constraint.
    3. Click Add to add a Web Resource Collection.
    4. In the Add Web Resource dialog box, set the Resource Name to User and the URL Pattern to /secureUser/* and click OK.
    5. Select Enable Authentication Constraint and click Edit to edit the Role Name field.
    6. In the Edit Role Names dialog box, select Admin and User in the left pane, click Add and then click OK.

Note: You can also set the timeout for the session in web.xml. To set the timeout, click the General tab of the Visual Editor and specify how long you want the session to last. The default is 30 minutes.

Form Login

Using a form for login enables you to customize the content of the login and error pages. The steps for configuring authentication using a form are the same as for the basic login configuration, except that you specify the login and error pages you created.

The following steps show how to configure a login form for the Sun Java System Application Server.

  1. In the Projects window, double-click web.xml located in the Web Pages/WEB-INF directory to open the file in the Visual Editor.
  2. Click Security in the toolbar to open the file in Security view and expand the Login Configuration node.
  3. Set the Login Configuration to Form.
  4. Set the Form Login Page by clicking Browse and locating login.jsp.
  5. Set the Form Error Page by clicking Browse and locating loginError.html.
  6. Click Add Role and add the following Security Roles.
    • Admin, for administrators
    • Tomcat (User), for users
  7. Click Add Security Constraint, name it AdminConstraint, and do the following:
    1. Add a Web Resource Collection and set the name to Admin and the path to /secureAdmin/*
    2. Select Enable Authentication Constraint and click Edit.
    3. In the Edit Role Names dialog box, select Admin in the left pane and click Add.
  8. Click Add Security Constraint, name it UserConstraint, and do the following:
    1. Add a Web Resource Collection and set the name to User and the path to /secureUser/*
    2. Select Enable Authentication Constraint and click Edit.
    3. In the Edit Role Names dialog box, select Admin and Tomcat in the left pane and click Add.

Configuring Security Deployment Descriptors

If you are deploying your application to the Sun Java System Application Server, you need to configure the security deployment descriptors in sun-web.xml to map the security roles defined in web.xml.

  1. Double-click sun-web.xml located in the Configuration Files directory in the Projects window.
  2. Expand the Sun Web Application node in the left pane of the Sun Web Application visual editor to reveal the security roles.
  3. Select the Admin security role node to open the Security Role Mapping pane.
  4. Click Add Principal and enter admin for the principal name.
  5. Select the User security role node to open the Security Role Mapping pane.
  6. Click Add Principal and enter user for the principal name.
  7. Save your changes to sun-web.xml.

You can also view and edit sun-web.xml in the XML editor by clicking Edit As XML in the top right corner of the Sun Web Application visual editor. If you open sun-web.xml in the XML editor, you can see that sun-web.xml has the following security role mapping information:


Deploying and Running the Application

In the Projects window, right-click the project node and choose Run. After building and deploying the application to the server, the start page opens in your web browser. Choose the secure area which you want to access by clicking either admin or user.

After supplying the user and password, there are three possible results:

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