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Aranea Web Framework 1.0 发布

摘要: Aranea是一个开源,面向组件,事件驱动的Java MVC Web框架。它提供一种通用简单的方式来构建Web应用程序组件,复用自义定或一般的GUI逻辑,扩展该框架。
Aranea Web Framework 1.0 发布了...

Aranea是一个开源,面向组件,事件驱动的Java MVC Web框架。它提供一种通用简单的方式来构建Web应用程序组件,复用自义定或一般的GUI逻辑,扩展该框架。

Aranea强调必须使用POJOs面向对象的技术,并且提供一个Jsp标签库来帮助开发web GUI界面。

Productivity, Maintainability and Reuse.
Object-Oriented development is a time-tested approach to develop GUI applications and it helps to decrease the number of defects and improve productivity.

Framework Extension and Configuration.
Extending Aranea framework is as easy as writing a common application components, which means that adding framework features and configuring or extending existing ones is very simple. Thus it isn't so painful to implement features that are very specific to your application requirements.

Complex Structure and Navigation.
If your applications have a navigational structure that does not fit in the web page abstraction (e.g. nested flows, wizards, dependent sub components, etc) Aranea is a solid choice. Since navigational abstractions are not built-in into the framework it is easy to support arbitrary patterns.

Database-backed Query Browsing.
Aranea includes generic pageable, orderable and filterable tables that are programmed declaratively and select only the displayed item slice from the database by generating backend SQL.

Complex Data Input.
When user input doesn't map well to static data beans (e.g. the model is dynamic or has complex dependencies) Aranea provides a powerful solution, since Aranea forms are based around components, instead of submit methods.
前一篇: JBoss AOP 2.0 alpha1 发布
后一篇: JBoss 修改 License