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CocoBase 5.0 增加 Eclipse插件

摘要: O/R Mapping 公司 THOUGHT Inc宣布CocoBase 5.0 将包含Eclipse IDE 插件. CocoBase 根据部署者提供的从对象到关系的映射信息,为bean 生成全部数据库访问逻辑。
O/R Mapping 公司 THOUGHT Inc宣布CocoBase 5.0 将包含Eclipse IDE 插件.

CocoBase 根据部署者提供的从对象到关系的映射信息,为bean 生成全部数据库访问逻辑。此次发布的插件提供了友好的GUI支持,能够在eclipse workbench中更快捷地利用CocoBase 进行O/R Mapping开发。


- The ability to map single or multiple inheritance with multiple discriminators without requiring knowledge of specific mapping strategies
- SQL realms, allowing multiple SQL views or filters for the same Java class model
- Generic POJO O/R mapping
- SQL tuning, allowing generation and tuning of SQL for each mapping at design time
- Callback plug-ins and factories for incorporating custom behavior at runtime
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