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当前页面: 开发资料首页业界新闻Subversive 1.0.0 最终版发布

Subversive 1.0.0 最终版发布

摘要: Subversive 1.0.0 最终版发布了。Subversive项目是一个崭新的Eclipse插件提供类似于对CVS支持一样的Subversion支持。
Subversive 1.0.0 最终版发布了。


The operations for adding and editing properties were enhanced. Support for different merge modes was added. The ability to apply a lock to the resourses recursively was added. Editing conflict files is supported. The standard JavaHL merge is used in addition to the experimental 'interactive merge' feature. A lot of bugs were fix
前一篇: LimpidLog 发布, 开源的日志工具
后一篇: Jahia 5.0 Community Edition 发布,100%开源