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Surface 1.3 发布..Java 2D in Javascript

摘要: Teppefall 宣布 Surface 1.3 版本发布了.Surface 是一款革新的工具, 能够让你在Javascript中进行Java 2D 的渲染, API是基于Graphics2D。
Teppefall 宣布 Surface 1.3 版本发布了.

Surface 是一款革新的工具, 能够让你在Javascript中进行Java 2D 的渲染, API是基于Graphics2D。


[img]http://teppefall.com/surface_1_3final/Bilde%2015.png' border='0' alt='image' style='display:inline' onload='javascript:imgLoad(this);' onclick='javascript:imgClick(this);' />

- Layers. Rasterized only. Based on BufferedImage. Bug OS X: transparency only correct at first render pass.
- Nested rendering. See layers.js on how to composite several renderer's into one scene.
- Video. video_jmyron.js shows off live video in Surface. Requires JMyron.
- dirty.js. Repaint Manager example code.
- Rotate Clockwise.
- Rotate Anti Clockwise.
- Scroll-wheel support on both zoom and rotate.
- Save zoom value on exit.
- Paint background on/off.
- Clipping ON/OFF. Bug Windows XP/Linux: menu painted over when using rotate, +1.0 zoom and clipping.
- "Surface.exe -Xnative" gives you the native look and feel on Windows.
- (PRO) Custom background color.
- (PRO) Custom background default color.
- (PRO) Set window size so that screenshots can be consistent.
- (PRO) Very early/alpha snapshot support. Save renderer as a standalone *.surface file.
前一篇: 微软被迫支持开放文档格式ODF
后一篇: FireFox 2.0 公测版beta1 RC已发布