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当前页面: 开发资料首页业界新闻JRuby 0.9.0 发布

JRuby 0.9.0 发布

摘要: JRuby 0.9.0 版本发布了.JRuby是一个Ruby脚本语言的纯Java实现。JRuby可以嵌入任到Java应用程序并可以在脚本 中使Java类.
JRuby 0.9.0 版本发布了.

JRuby是一个Ruby脚本语言的纯Java实现。JRuby可以嵌入任到Java应用程序并可以在脚本 中使Java类.

一向以来, JRuby的进展都不是那么地让人满意,这次新版本release也是期待已久.

We are getting to a correctness level where the more complicated Ruby libraries and applications are running properly. From this point on we are going to improve on correctness and start to focus more on performance... Many bugs have been fixed. RubyGems 0.9.0 is now installed and working. WEBrick runs. Ruby on Rails runs on top of WEBrick (and generation scripts work). The YAML parser was much improved. All non-native standard libraries are bundled in the distribution. Correctness is now approaching a level that is sufficient to run the more complicated Ruby libraries and applications properly


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