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IBM发布UML2 工具 -- 模式驱动开发

摘要: IBM宣布发布针对模式驱动开发的UML2 工具。这套工具将使得进行MDA开发的程序员更简单地使用UML2 API.
IBM宣布发布针对模式驱动开发的UML2 工具。

这套工具将使得进行MDA开发的程序员更简单地使用UML2 API.


These utilities do not represent a separate framework or programming layer; instead, they are a collection of easy-to-use, stateless APIs that can be used on a case-by-case basis to perform common tasks in the creation of MDD (model-driven development) automation. The emphasis and goal of these utilities is make it unnecessary for the MDD automation developer to understand the details of the UML2 implementation; the developer can focus instead on the domain content of the automation.

These utilities center around the idea that most models being created or modified in a MDD transformation or pattern eventually target a specific language, such as Java or C++. Therefore, many of the utilities make it convenient to use Java notation to specify types and operations. The alternative is to invoke and manipulate many more of the underlying UML2 APIs to achieve the same result.
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