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当前页面: 开发资料首页业界新闻args4j 2.0.5 发布

args4j 2.0.5 发布

摘要: args4j 是一个让你很容易解析命令行参数的开源工具. 利用了Annotation. 功能是很强大的.
args4j 2.0.5 发布了。

args4j 是一个让你很容易解析命令行参数的开源工具. 利用了Annotation. 功能是很强大的.

Why should I use it?
See my quick intro(http://weblogs.java.net/blog/kohsuke/archive/2005/05/parsing_command.html).

It makes the command line parsing very easy by using annotations.
You can generate the usage screen very easily.
You can generate HTML/XML that lists all options for your documentation.
Fully supports localization.
It is designed to parse javac like options (as opposed to GNU-style where ls -lR is considered to have two options l and R.)
It is licensed under the MIT license.
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