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当前页面: 开发资料首页业界新闻Apache Xerces-J 2.8.0 发布

Apache Xerces-J 2.8.0 发布

摘要: Apache Xerces-J 开发小组宣布发布 Apache Xerces-J 2.8.0 版本。新版本的主要特性是:支持XML schema annotation。增加了getAnnotations() 方法,返回一个XSAnnotation的list。
Apache Xerces-J 开发小组宣布发布 Apache Xerces-J 2.8.0 版本。

Xerces是由Apache组织所推动的一项XML文档解析开源项目,它目前有多种语言版本 包括JAVA、C++、PERL、COM等。

支持XML schema annotation。增加了getAnnotations() 方法,返回一个XSAnnotation的list。

"This release introduces several new validation related features and provides enhancements to the XML schema annotation support. All of the schema component interfaces in the XML Schema API now have a getAnnotations() method which returns a list of XSAnnotations. This includes annotations on particles and attribute uses which were previously "lost". In addition, in this release we implemented support for pretty-printing in the LSSerializer, repaired the warn-on-undeclared-elemdef feature which had been broken for several releases and fixed many other bugs."
前一篇: JScience 3.0 发布
后一篇: Drools 2.5 发布