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当前页面: 开发资料首页业界新闻Classpath Helper 0.9 Beta Released

Classpath Helper 0.9 Beta Released

摘要: Classpath Helper 项目开发小组宣布发布0.9 Beta 版.Classpath Helper 是一款基于eclipse的工具,能够检测到很多在ClassLoading期间遇到的问题. 包括显示obscured的类,显示因为unresolved referenecs而导致不能被加载的类,显示jars之间的依赖和引用关系等等..
Classpath Helper 项目开发小组宣布发布0.9 Beta 版

Classpath Helper 是一款基于eclipse的工具,能够检测到很多在ClassLoading期间遇到的问题. 包括显示obscured的类,显示因为unresolved referenecs而导致不能被加载的类,显示jars之间的依赖和引用关系等等..


The core of Classpath Helper is a classloader that does more than just loading classes into the JVM. Classpath Helper not only records the exact location where a class is loaded, it also searches the classpath in proper order (including hierarchies of classloaders) looking for other locations for that same class. It verifies the bytes to determine if the class bytes from blocked classes are the same or different.

Classpath Helper also reads the byte code directly searching its class definition for dependencies on other classes. A reference to a class not found on the classpath would normally cause a ClassLoader to fail with the well known ClassNotFoundException or NoClassDefFoundError, but Classpath helper is able to bypass these limitations with its independent reading of the byte code. This allows Classpath Helper to merely report on missing class references instead of running into errors. A class that can not find its dependent classes cannot be properly loaded into the VM.



前一篇: Wiki创始人Ward Cunningham 加入 Eclipse
后一篇: Web App Framework-RIFE 1.2 新版发布