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Amazon 简单队列服务 发布

摘要: Amazon Simple Queue Service (Amazon SQS)发布了.Amazon SQS 是一个由Amazon hosted的,可信赖以及扩展性强的一个分布式在线消息服务.
Amazon Simple Queue Service (Amazon SQS)发布了.

Amazon SQS 是一个由Amazon hosted的,可信赖以及扩展性强的一个分布式在线消息服务.

利用Amazon SQS, 开发者可以更简易地开发出分布式的消息应用. 而不需要要求分布式节点的完全可用以及稳定. 因为消息都是由Amazon SQS 存储和分发.

Amazon SQS 提供了以下功能:
CreateQueue: Create queues for your own use, or to share with others.
ListQueues: List your existing queues.
DeleteQueue: Delete one of your queues.
SendMessage: Add any data entries to a specified queue.
ReceiveMessage: Return one or more messages from a specified queue, which are returned in roughly the same order it was added to the queue.
DeleteMessage: Remove a message from a specified queue.
PeekMessage: Return a specific entry from the queue without locking it.
SetVisibilityTimeout: Control the amount of time after a message has been read that is locked from being read again.
AddGrant: Allow other users to send messages to or receive messages from your queue.

// Authenticating the Request
SignRequestHandlerHMAC.setWSSecurityInfo(AWSAccessKeyId, SecretAccessKey);
// Create a QueueService object, a Queue
QueueService service = getQueueService( url );
// Create the message queue object
MessageQueue msgQueue = getMessageQueue( service, queueName );
String msgId = msgQueue.sendMessage( message );

价格是0.1美金/1000个消息, 或者0.2美金/GB数据..

Amazon已经在5年前就开始将它的平台结构全面转向SOA(Service-Oriented Architecture),至今已经取得了5年开发、运营的成功经验.毕业于Cornell、在高可用、可扩展系统研究方面科班出身的Amazon CTO Werner Vogels的Blog叫做:All Things Distributed。

前一篇: ICEfaces Enterprise edition 1.0 发布--AJAX 开发和部署框架
后一篇: yguard 2.0 版本发布