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当前页面: 开发资料首页业界新闻IFX Forum 即将揭幕Web Services Work

IFX Forum 即将揭幕Web Services Work

摘要: 下周,Interactive Financial Exchange (IFX) Forum 的Web Services Working 小组即将deliver 4个与Web services recommendations相关的实现,包括Web Services 描述语言,schema,和可下载的examples-其中3个for java,一个for dot net.
下周,Interactive Financial Exchange (IFX) Forum 的Web Services Working 小组即将deliver 4个与Web services recommendations相关的实现,包括Web Services 描述语言,schema,和可下载的examples-3个for java,一个for dot net.
"The working group "did a deep analysis of WS-everything -- which are real, which are workable across platforms, what are the gaps." Urban said the group included participants from both Sun and Microsoft. "Those two organizations invested a lot of time and energy in the Web Services Working Group. Sun and Microsoft seemed to have played nice together. We got good strong experts from both companies, and they helped us work through the details of JAXB Java Architecture for XML Binding ."


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