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当前页面: 开发资料首页业界新闻JavaSVN 1.0.0 发布- 基于Java的Subversion Client Library

JavaSVN 1.0.0 发布- 基于Java的Subversion Client Library

摘要: JavaSVN 1.0.0 已经发布了.JavaSVN是纯Java的svn 客户端工具. 可以结合Eclipse一起使用,从而让你方便的整合SVN开发..SVN, 比CVS有更多的便捷和优点..
JavaSVN 1.0.0 已经发布了..

JavaSVN是纯Java的svn 客户端工具. 可以结合Eclipse一起使用,从而让你方便的整合SVN开发..SVN, 比CVS有更多的便捷和优点..



- "http","https","svn" and "svn+ssh" protocols support
- Support for Subversion 1.2.x features as well as support for older Subversions servers (1.1.x, 1.0.x).
- API to perform operations on Subversion working copy and repository, that supports all operations supported by JavaHL and command line client as well as some unqiue features.
- Direct Subversion repository access API, i.e. one do not need to create or manage working copy to browse or modify Subversion repository.
- Persistent connections and connections pool support for better performance.
- JavaHL 1.2. API implementation to let JavaSVN server as transparent replacement for JavaHL bindings.
- Complete javadoc documentation, tutorials and examples available at JavaSVN web site.
- JavaSVN library is available as ready to use Eclipse plugin that could be installed from the update site.



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